Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #166: Auto-Buy Authors

Fun fact: I’m trying to spend a little less money on books this year. You know, not quite a buying ban – because, let’s be real. That would never work. But, just… Not spend quite so much time dreaming about all the books I want to own, maybe? And, in general, it’s been going fine. Only, there’s one *tiny* problem. For some reason, every single author that I really like? As in: really like? The kind of auto-read authors that you just love no matter what book you’re reading? Yeah. They’re all either publishing a book, or they have just published one and I haven’t purchased it yet. If you have any tips on how to resist that kind of temptation: feel free to let me know! And until then: enjoy my auto-buy authors!

1. Cathy Kelly

I mean, she always gets it, you know? I haven’t read a single book by her that I didn’t at least enjoy. A large majority of the time, I love everything she writes. And she’s just so good at hitting that balance between emotional and inspirational. And there’s so many books of hers that I don’t even own yet!


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2. Mitch Albom

Albom is one of those authors that always inspires me. His work is more on the philosophical side than I would ever have imagined myself reading, yet it’s also very entertaining. He manages to make me think with everything he writes, and he recently published the sequel to the first book of his I ever read. Also known as: one of the first books I had read in a long while that just made me sit there and stare in front of me. Because, basically, that’s all I really could do, at that point.

3. Jill Mansell

Yeah, I know, more chicklit. What can I say – it’s my favourite genre! And what’s more, Jill Mansell does it so well! Her books are definitely more of a fluffy read than even Cathy Kelly’s work is, but that’s basically exactly what I like about it. After all, a book that is guaranteed to make you feel that little bit more happy – what’s not to love about that?


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4. Jane Austen

Okay, so this one isn’t technically about new books, but more so about new editions. Either way, I feel like that definitely counts, because, just to name some: the Collector’s Library-edition, the Penguin-edition, the Barnes & Noble-editions of all of her work… And then I haven’t even started on the fact that I own like 7 books by Jane Austen, but each one of those is in a completely different edition than all the other ones, so technically I still have to complete all of those editions as well, and…

5. Rick Riordan

So I own the entire Percy Jackson-series, as well as all of the The Heroes of Olympus-books. Which means I have like 6 billion crossover as well as a couple of complete series left to purchase. I mean, how am I supposed to resist mythology retellings? Honestly.

Anyways, those are 5 of my auto-buy authors, but of course I’m wondering now: who would you put on this list? Do you have an recs of authors that you just have to buy any book you come across? Be sure to let me know below!


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