Book Tags #19: Books I’ll Probably Never Read
Would you believe it’s been about a year since I last did a book tag? I figured it was about time to get a couple of them out there. And when I came across this tag on Hardback Hoarder, I knew it was about time to get to the “Books I’ll Probably Never Read” tag!
1. A really hyped book you’re not interested in reading?
Basically anything by Sarah J. Maas? I know her books were (are?) like a huge thing, but somehow they just never really spoke to me…
2. A series you won’t start / won’t be finishing?
The Faerie Tale Collection by Jenni James – while I really loved the concept of updating fairy tales? The execution focused entirely too much on pushing the reader’s face into the moralist message that the author inserted into these stories.
3. A classic that you’re just not interested in?
Anything by Hemingway. Or most authors from his generation, for that matter.
As it turns out, I have a limit to the amount of self-indulgent men I can bare, and they all seem to pass it at around the 4th page?
4. Any genres you never read?
Horror and/or thriller.
Not my thing.
My imagination is vivid enough as it is, without the added stimuli from books that specialise in giving people nightmares.
5. A book on your shelves you’ll probably never actually read?
La Divina Commedia, Dante. First of all, it’s Italian. Second of all – it’s really long. It’s just not going to happen, in all likeliness :p
Just a quick fun book tag for today’s post, but sometimes it’s just fun to think about all the books you’re not going to be torturing yourself with, right?