
Weekly Lists #163: 5 Non-Fiction Books I want to read in 2019

Or finish. Because, honestly… There’s a non-fiction book that I’ve technically been reading since the summer of 2017 and I’d say it’s about time I finished it, right?

1. History of philosophy

Also known as: the book that’s been on my “currently reading” list longer than any book ever has been before. And it’s interesting, it’s just that I’m also trying to summarise it and – as it turns out? That takes a bit. You know…

Either way, the main reason I actually want to finish this one? Exactly because it is actually very interesting. Believe it or not – I’m one of those people that thinks philosophy is quite interesting. I had to take an introductory course on it in my first year of university, and while I didn’t like the fact that I had to learn all these names by heart? I do think it’s really interesting to see exactly how people have been thinking about the world since – basically – the start of written history. I’m past the Middle Ages now, and it’s getting a bit dry, but still. I’d love to finish this one – finally!


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2. A Brief History of Time

The ultimate starter’s guide to Stephen Hawking’s work… Again, I’ve been reading this one since summer, although – luckily – this one’s only since last summer. I’m over halfway there, actually, so chances are I will be able to finish it somewhere in the first half of the year.

Again: this is not something I need to read – I just used to have about 8 hours of maths and about 8 hours of sciences every week in high school. And, you know… From time to time? I miss that. Also, I do believe it’s really important to actually know how the world functions, both on the smallest and on the largest scale. And – what’d’ya know… This book gives you both of those!

3. I Could Go On

Another one I’m technically already reading: a collection of letters written to the telegraph and never published… In 2009-ish.

In other words, this is, right now, basically a commentary on the political situation of the UK about 10 years ago. What I think is so interesting about this, is the fact that in some ways, nothing has changed. In others – things have gotten way out of hand. Whether that’d be in a positive or in a negative way, doesn’t really matter. What does matter: it’s pretty cool to see the lead up to many of the political questions that are now still in need of an answer!


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4. Sapiens, a Brief History of Humankind

Last year, I read Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything and absolutely loved it. I don’t know to what extent this book will actually be similar, but either way, I’m really looking forward to getting a different point of view, if nothing else. Of course, it also helps that this one has been pretty hyped ànd that I got it from my sister for Christmas. You know, beating the backlog of books on my physical TBR and all that?

5. Vous n’aurez pas ma haine

Not only a non-fiction book, but also a book that will get me closer to my goal of reading 5 French books this year!

Sure, 5 books isn’t actually that much. However, it’s just not as self-evident for me to read in French as I would like it to be. And so, starting out with some fun reads? The relatively short ones? The ones that – most importantly – tell a really important story? All wins, right?

What non-fiction books are you looking forward to reading this year? Do you want to read any? Why (not)? Be sure to let me know below!


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