
About Books #115: Swipe Right

Social media, online content and two people so intent on denying they like each other it was honestly kind of frustrating? Swipe Right is all that, and more!

I was offered an ARC by Book Sirens in exchange for a review. All opinions are strictly my own.

The story

Love could be a click away… Or in the last place you expected.

When Fran meets Ollie, it’s eye roll at first sight. Who does he think he is – with his Ray-Bans, piss taking and artfully styled hair? Forced into working together at Viral Hive, the trendy media content agency, at first they butt heads, but soon realise that they could be BFFs. Fran’s happily settled with boyfriend Lucas, while Ollie is fully committed to girlfriend Lou.

But when Fran’s relationship crumbles, and Ollie sets off with Lou for a round-the-world trip, she decides to start an anonymous dating column, detailing all the perils of dating online – from the bloke who angrily demanded she share the bill when she refused his clumsy advances, to the one that ended their date by weeping into her cleavage – even if it seems that all the good (or even normal?) men are hiding. Maybe there aren’t plenty more fish in the sea?

But, on her dating journey of discovery, Fran’s about to learn that sometimes love can be where you least expect it… you just have to put down your phone.

The opinion

C – characters
A – atmosphere
W – writing
P – plot
I – intrigue
L – logic
E – enjoyment

Look, I have to be honest here – when I first started reading Swipe Right? I just sort of went “oh great, it’s a BuzzFeed office romance” and put the book back down. That was a mistake on me behalf, I’ll admit it. Because when I (finally) convinced myself to get back to this story? I flew through it in about 2 hours. The kind of “didn’t get up, didn’t get a drink, ignored the fact I really did need to use the bathroom”-2 hours.

Fran, the main character, is a strong woman. Probably could do with a capital S in there. She also starts this book slightly out of her comfort zone, and in a relationship that isn’t necessarily the healthiest. I mean, it’s frustrating, because you see her make excuses for someone who really isn’t worthy of them. Following along, though, as she starts to realise exactly that, and then refuses to be put down any longer by the likes of him? That evolution in and of itself would make for a pretty good story.

Of course, that really is just the starting point of the story. The rollercoaster of swiping right, writing about her adventures, and of course: Fran’s friendship with Ollie… (And that’s not a spoiler, because, I mean, let’s be real, Swipe Right is definitely the type of book where you know, as soon as you start reading, what’s going to happen)

Everything combines into a story that was highly entertaining, fast-paced, offered a fun inside view into the world of BuzzFeed and the likes, and of course: delivered on the romance.

The rating: 4/5

As I said: highly entertaining as well delivering where it needs to, Swipe Right is definitely one of those books I can see myself going back to later. Even if only to reread (and appreciate) Fran’s articles on her (horrible) dates! (Goodreads)


Walking Through The Pages - About Books: Swipe Right - A Book Review

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