
About Books #140: The First Day Without You

This is far from the first book I ever read by Melissa Hill, but it’s probably the first one that took me so long to get started on. Once I got into the story, though – so, approximately from the 2nd page onwards, I basically could not put this story aside. Each of the three love stories had me at times annoyed, hopeful and throughout all of that: rooting for them.

I was offered an ARC by NetGalley in exchange for a review. All opinions are strictly my own.

The story

Leonie has left behind everything and everyone she loves for a fresh start in California. Desperate to outrun the mess she’s come from, she hopes the change of scenery can mend her broken heart and bury her secrets forever. But when she discovers a bundle of unread love letters hidden in the back of a wardrobe in her new apartment, she is intrigued by the mystery behind them…and can’t help but notice the similarities between them and her own story.

With the help of her new friend Alex, a news reporter toting around baggage of her own, Leonie embarks on a quest down the West Coast to find the ill-fated lovers from the letters and reunite them, whatever it takes. Even if it means confronting the hurt she’s buried deep within herself. Because if the couple behind the love letters can find a happy ending, then perhaps she just might too.

The opinion

I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about the way that Melissa Hill sets up her stories that always leaves me wanting more. Whether it’s the way she teases storylines way in advance, or unveils characters’ motivations so slowly? She knows exactly how to set the pace, without ever leaving you frustrated.

In this particular book, though, especially the use of letters served as a perfect foundation for the story. As Leonie and Alex each saw their own story reflected throughout their search for both the sender and the intended recipient, I just had to know what exactly had happened – and especially: how it would be resolved.

The rating: 4/5

I saw a review mention that “it’ll all be a happy ending anyways”. And while I’m sure that’s not *quite* what they intended, that’s actually exactly what I love about Melissa Hill’s books. Sure, you know it’ll be a happy ending. But exactly how she’s going to get her characters there? That’s what you can never quite predict. And what keeps you happy after finishing the book! (Goodreads)


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