Weekly Lists #209: Reading Challenges to Check Out
So last Friday, I tell you that I’m not putting any pressure on myself as my reading goes… And then, not even a week later, here I am, gushing about reading challenges I want to take part in. Don’t worry about it – I’m a collection of oppositions!
1. Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge
I’ve attempted this challenge for the last couple of years, and I’ve found it’s always a good one to try and look for some books outside of what I would usually read. And honestly? I see no reason to do any differently this year!
2. #Classicsathon
Well, the goal of this reading challenge, as announced in this video, was to read as many classics within the first fortnight of 2020. However, that fortnight finished yesterday, and I’ve read exactly 0 classics this year. Which is why it’s probably a good thing that I’m spreading it out over the entire year. 12 classics – that’s the goal. Let’s see how far I can get with that, right?
3. 2020 European Reading Challenge
Once upon a time, I participated in the “Read Around the World” challenge – ever since I graduated though, I’ve read significantly less books that have an international element.
To go straight back around the world, seemed like a bit much – especially in a year when I’m supposed to be focusing on “no pressure”… So instead, I’ll just try to make my literary way around Europe!
4. Romanceopoly
Well, let’s be honest – contemporary romance? Already makes up a large majority of what I read. So why not try and get a reading challenge-win out of it? 🙂
5. Diversity Reading Challenges
Not so much one challenge, focused on diversity, but rather a list of several reading challenges that are all, in some way or another, focused on this goal!
- 20 LGBTQ+ books in 2020
- Asian Literature in 2020
- Diverse Reading Challenge
- 2020 Diversity Reading Challenge
- Uncorked 2020 Reading Challenge
- Spanish Language Reading Challenge
- South-Asian Reading Challenge
- Social Justice Non-Fiction Challenge
- Reading Woman Challenge
There’s definitely a couple of other reading challenges that I thought were really interesting. For example, the “go big or go home” reading challenge in particular stuck with me… But, you know – that whole “no pressure” thing again. And really – it’s intimidating, okay!
What are some of the reading challenges that’ll keep you busy in 2020? Any you think might interest me as well? Be sure to let me know below!