Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #14: Favourite Childhood Series

Every Wednesday, I post a list of random stuff. As Sinterklaas is coming up, a saint who brings gifts to the children (yes, we’re talking the original Santa Claus!) I figured this week I’d do another childhood-related post. So here are: 5 of the series that have made my childhood into what it was!

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1. Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling

Of course this one had to be on here – it was, to such a large extent, my childhood, that this series couldn’t be anywhere but at the top of this list (even if the rest of this list is ordered completely randomly).

2. The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis

Like many other kids, these were some of the first long books I could read and as such, in a way, this was the series that lead me to reading Harry Potter (another eventually 7-part long magical series).
Although I wasn’t raised religious as such, I used to love the ‘stories’ in the Bible and I really liked the way that these series were a sort of re-telling of them. Apart from that, I just loved the books as such, and I still try to re-read them every year around Christmas, as this is the period in which I first discovered them, and they still hold a very holiday-ish feeling for me…

3. Dalemark Quartet, by Diana Wynne Jones

Although I read these books completely out of order (I believe I actually started with the last one and ended with the first, because that just happened to be the order in which my local library purchased them), this story struck an incredible amount of right chords with me – and it actually made me ship Mitt and Maewen before I even had a clue what exactly shipping was!

4. Chrestomanci, also by Diana Wynne Jones

Another series by this author, these were actually the books which introduced me to her and as such led me to The Dalemark Quartet. This series too, I read completely out of order (mainly because at age 8, when I first read them, I wasn’t exactly clued in as to the actual point to orders and other obligatory things like it) but I love to read them to this day.

5. Uncle Albert and Black Holes/Time and Space/the Quantum Quest, by Russell Stannard

A bit different than the other books on this list, but it technically is a series. This book was the one to stir my interest in science – I was given the Dutch version for my tenth birthday, and I read it countless times not only for the science – it actually helped me pass one of my physics exams in high school – but also because I loved the story in it (I used to wish I would get an uncle just like uncle Albert!)

So there you have it, 5 of my favourite childhood series! What were your favourite childhood series? Did you also love one of those I mentioned? Let me know below!


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