About books #95: A Question of Us
I feel like everyone probably has that one friend. You know, the one that might have been. The one that theoretically, you wouldn’t mind dating – but never would, because it’s not really…
About Books #93: The Love Solution
Let’s be real, haven’t we all dreamed of this? Something we could take, or spray, or do, and be guaranteed that the one we like, will like us in return? A love solution…
About Books #92: Honeymoon for One
I’m a firm believer that clichés can be amazing – as long as they’re used right. Undoubtedly, Lila Rose, as a romcom-author, would agree with me. But what is the author to do,…
About Books #91: Sunshine over Bluebell Castle
If there’s one thing that Sarah Bennett always does right, it’s transporting you right into England creating a beautiful atmosphere, and making sparks fly. The best thing? She does all of those things…
Series in Review #13: The Note
Sometimes, I feel as if half of the things that live in the book world, tend to completely pass me by. Apparently, that’s also what happened with The Note. So when I came…
About Books #90: The Ingredients for Happiness
I love cooking, I love reading, I love romance, and I loved How to Bake a New Beginning. Put all those things together in the delicious sequel that is The Ingredients for Happiness?…
About Books #88: Kiss
There certain things in my life that will always be true. I talk too much when I’m nervous. I’m always fiddling with something. And there isn’t a book by Jill Mansell that I…
About Books #87: Five Wakes and a Wedding
You know how sometimes a book can just come out of nothing and randomly make you fall in love with it? Well – guess what. That’s exactly what Five Wakes and a Wedding…