Reviewing the Classics #3: Beatrix Potter’s Complete Tales
So I’m rereading classics and reviewing them – and even though this one isn’t technically Literature-with-capital-L, I absolutely feel that it does belong here (if only for the art, which is amazing)
So what’s my opinion on this classic? Let’s find out!
First of all, I have to admit that I am probably incredibly biased pro this book: my sister has a translated version which I loved to read whenever I could get my hands on it. So, really, this was one of those books which I made my way through, hoping I would still love it as much as I did before – luckily: I did!

Beatrix Potter’s style is one that just grabs her reader, regardless their age: as a child, I loved the stories about rabbits and other animals, and I especially loved the pretty pictures to go along with it.
Now, being somewhat more adult-ish, I still love the “pretty pictures”, but I can appreciate the genius to Beatrix Potter’s writing that much more. Although her stories are sufficiently simple that they can be understood by children, there are actually pleasant surprised, both moral-wise and where extra layers to the story are concerned, for a more adult reader.

What really made this book so perfect to me, however, has to be the beauty of the edition I own: I got it at the little shop that belongs to the “estate” where Beatrix Potter used to live, and it has a beatiful box, dust cover ànd cover:
The first and last page, when you open it, show this beautiful map of the village where all of Peter Rabbit and compagnons‘ adventures take place:
For so many people, these stories have been a staple in their childhood, so to see all these beautiful illustrations (some of which weren’t in the translated version I first read) makes the stories somehow come even more to live:
In case you’re interested in this edition, it isn’t too cheap (I think I paid £50 for it) but I seriously consider it worth it. It has all Beatrix Potter’s works, not just her most famous Peter Rabbit and co-ones, it is beautifully illustrated (you probably already figured as much 🙂 )
You can, however, currently find it on Amazon for half the price (at the time of writing) .
And just to make sure that it is very, very clear: I absolutely love this book: the edition is beautiful, but even without those drawings, these stories just took me right back to my childhood in the best possible way: the language is well-used, the style is very entertaining, and this is just really an all-round, 5 start out of 5 crowd pleaser!