Weekly Lists #106: Things to do in Fall
I feel like I probably have a list like this every single year. But here’s the thing: I’ve been struggling to really get in the fall-atmosphere, this year. Partially, that’s just because it hasn’t actually felt like fall yet. Just last week, the temperatures were positively summer-like! And then, of course, there’s that whole thing where I’ve started working. Turns out it’s a lot of work – and half the time I don’t even have the energy left to watch tv, let alone do something to get me in a fall-mood So here are 5 incredibly low-key things to do in fall. You know, for when that’s all you can really handle…
1. Fall printables
Even if you don’t have time to decorate your entire house? Just setting up a few choice printables here and there can really make a difference. I listed some of my favourite ones last year, and I’m basically just using them again this year.
If nothing else, they’ll give you a quick break every once in a while to realise that – oh, yes – it is indeed fall.
2. Scented candles
For me, the smell of vanilla equals cosiness. So when I need to feel that fall cosiness, even though it’s entirely too warm outside for that? I just light a scented candle.
Let’s be real, I have my eye on a lot of other scented candles – Yankee Candles, why do you have to be so expensive?? – but for now, vanilla is the way to go.
A second good option: I love to bake, so the smell of any freshly baked good? Especially apple pie or apple cupcakes? Makes me feel just that little bit more like Fall!
3. Pumpkin
I know, I know, such a basic cliché. But you know what? Pumpkin is delicious. So it really would be a waste not to enjoy it while it’s actually in season, right? I love me some nice and warm pumpkin soup and, quite frankly… If you’ve never had pumpkin, cut into cubes, baked in a pan and served with a generous helping of melting cheese on top? You don’t know what you’re missing out on!
4. Food
Now, I put pumpkin into a separate categorie because, well, let’s face it… Pumpkin kind of is a separate categorie. That being said, fall is definitely the moment where my foodprep makes quite the shift from what it’s been before. Soups, lasagnas, one pot dishes and all the stews? Count me in any time.
(Plus: I’m all for leftovers I can take to work right now, so again: massive win!)
5. Revisit the classics
It might be that fall coincides with back-to-school season, or that I read more when I had to be inside because it was cold outside. However, something about fall? It makes me reach for those classics that I’ve loved reading all along. Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott make yearly appearances, as do some of my favourite children’s books. I found myself re-reading Harlekijntje this week, a series about a harlequin written by a German woman in the late 1800s – it’s nostalgic, innocent and cute. And basically? That fall-feeling came right along with it.
Do I still want to do the autumn-hikes and the nice decoration and all the this’ and that’s? Of course I do. But I need to be realistic also – I’m already struggling to keep my head above water. At some point, I’m going to have to put my health first. And really, what fun is it making yourself sick from trying to have too much fun?
So here’s to finding low-key things to do in fall. To finding things that will get you in that atmosphere, but allow you the room to breathe when the rest of your life isn’t really doing that. If you have any other tips for low-key things I can do to celebrate fall? Be sure to let me know below!