Weekly Lists #135: Books for Pride Month
It’s June! The school year’s almost over! It’s sunny! There’s holidays to be looked forward to! And (most importantly, maybe) it’s Pride Month! Now, I’ve consciously chosen not to include books I’ve already…
2018 Reading Updates: May Update
Just so you know? May was a really weird month. Here’s how reading works for me: the less time I have for it, the more I want to do it and the more…
Weekly Lists #134: Favorite Blogposts May 2018
An entire month is gone and blablabla and basically I need someone to tell me how on earth it’s practically summer already? My favorite blogposts May 2018! 1. Feeling burnt out https://www.agirlobsessedblog.com/20-things-to-tell-yourself-when-youre-feeling-burnt-out I…
New Releases: June 2018
It’s almost summer! Aaaah! I’ll finally have more time to read! (Says the girl who’s read about 80 books already) So in full preparation of what will, hopefully, be an absolute reading fest?…
Weekly Lists #133: Books that got me in a Reading Slump
You know those books that are so good, so amazing, get you so well that… Well, you’re just kind of stuck afterwards? The ones that get you in their grips, and won’t let…
About Books #46: Tuesdays With Morrie
When I first read a book by Mitch Albom, I didn’t quite expect to fall in love with his writing as much as I did. Or to end up slowly buying all of…
Weekly Lists #132: More Perspective-changing books
A couple of weeks back, I wrote a post about some of the books that most changed my perspective. Naturally, as is always the case for me, as soon as I hit “publish”?…
Series in Review #3: The Wicked and the Divine
I’m not usually one to read a lot of graphic novels or comics. I think part of it’s just that I like creating my own images for characters and world. And part of…