2016 Reading Challenges: April Update
I promise I’m not going to be complaining about how fast time has been passing me by in this one, I promise!
(Even if that’s only just because I really haven’t got the time to actually write all that out!)
Then again, I do have an update on my reading challenges, so at least there’s that, right?

So let’s just get straight into it: how am I doing on my reading challenges this month?
1. Goodreads Challenge
This month, I only managed to read 11 books, but at least all but one of them counted for my Goodreads challenge – and with that I’ve read 45 of my 100 books, and I have good hopes of being able to up it to 150 books again!
- Beauty and the Beast, Jenni James: 1/5 (only because I couldn’t give it 0 out of 5 – really did not enjoy this one)
- Persuasion, Jane Austen: 5/5 (this one is the re-read!)
- What She Wants, Cathy Kelly: 4/5
- Volkswagen Blues, Jacques Poulin: 4/5
- Little Women, Louisa May Alcott: 3/5
- La Princesse de Clèves, Madame de Lafayette: 3/5
- Phèdre, Racine: 3/5
- Mythologies Américaines, Dany Laferrière: 3/5
- Cette Grenade dans la main du jeune ngre est-elle une arme ou un fruit?, Dany Laferrière: 3/5
- Dom Carlos, Saint-Réal: 3/5
- Parcours Littéraire du Moyen Âge aux Lumières, Kris Peeters: 3/5
2. Read Around the World
Literally the only reason I’m okay with how much reading I have to do for school is that it’s helping me get my Goodreads Reading Goal and that it gets this challenge moving along – quite a bit,, even, I managed to add 2 more countries ànd I have only 7 letters to go fro the A to Z challenge!
Now let’s be efficient about the next couple of challenges:
3. Moderns Mrs Darcy
- A book published this year: Mythologies Américaines, Dany Laferrière
- A book you previously abandoned: La Princesse de Clèves, Madame de Lafayette
- A book that intimidates you: Cette Grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle un fruit ou une armée?, Dany Laferrière
4. Popsugar
- A book based on a fairy tale: Beauty and the Beast, Jenni James
- A book that is published in 2016: Mythologies Américaines, Dany Laferrière
- A book about a road trip: Volkswagen Blues, Jacques Poulin
- A book about a culture you’re unfamiliar with: Cette Grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle un fruit ou une armée, Dany Laferrière
- A satirical book: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Molière
5. stxrybooks
- A book by an unfamiliar author: Volkswagen Blues, Jacques Poulin
- A book that has been published in 2016: Mythologies Américaines, Dany Laferrière
- A book you started but never finished: What She Wants, Cathy Kelly
PS: oh, and if you want to read how I’ve been doing in the past couple of months: go check out the overview of my 2016 Reading Challenges!