My 2017 Fall TBR
Some of you might be thinking: but it’s the end of October! You should be getting ready for Christmas, not going back a step! And to those people I say this: I haven’t yet had time to get to my fall reading. I haven’t even felt like fall yet– temperatures were positively summer-like up to and including this week! So really – aren’t I perfectly justified to get my Fall TBR up? Even if it is kinda late in the game?
1. The Night Circus
It took me a really long time to actually finish this one even my first time around. But, yeah, I’ve been wanting to reread it ever since.
I’m not all that big on the scary and paranormal – I’ve never been. But somehow The Night Circus manages to hit that perfect mixture of paranormal-like-ness and still being absolutely magical. ànd cute!
2. Turtles All The Way Round
I mentioned this one in my Fall New Releases as well – but basically: it’s John Green, it’s not his ordinary genre and it just sounds really amazing.
3. Harlekijntje
This was a children’s series written in the late 1800 in Germany. It was translated into Dutch somewhere in the 1920s and, basically. This is just one of those favourites from when I was way younger and sometimes… Well, sometimes I just need to revisit those!
4. Harry Potter
Yeah, yeah, I know. This series is on about every TBR-list I ever make, and yet I never actually read them. Well, guess what.
This year I am going to read them.
And that’s it, really! As I’ve mentioned a couple of times before: these past couple of months have been crazy busy. Basically: I just need to get some reading done again. You know, as one does 🙂