2018 Reading Updates: Final Round Up
So… Happy New Year? Ish? What with blogmas, these last couple of weeks, I can honestly say that December has completely flown by. And, would you know it – I even managed to get some reading in! So I hope you’re ready for this year’s final reading updates round up!
What I read
A grant total of 195 books Which, you have to admit – is kind of good, right?
All together, I’ve read 140 new books, and 55 rereads. That comes down to an average of over 16 books per month! That’s one book every two days!
Fun fact: a majority of those rereads were actually the manuals I had to teach! And like 7 of the others were rereads of the Chrestomanci-series, which I really should do a series-in-review about!
All together, I read a grant total of 51 419 pages this year, or almost 4 285 pages per month. Again, if you do the math, that’s like 140 pages per day. Although, let’s be real: April and September probably had just a couple more!
A completely different way to “count” my reading this year, is to look at the average ratings. I figure that there’s not a single month where the average rating of my reading goes below 3 stars out of 5, is probably a good sign, right?
Some other fun stats:
- 58 of the books (40.7%) I read this year were published in 2018
- 77 of the books (39.5%) I read this year were eBooks, 107 (54,9%) were paperbacks
- I read 75 books that belong to a series, accounting for a total of 32 different series!
- 70 of the authors I read this year, were female – that’s 69.3%!
- I read mainly books aimed at adults (131 books, or 67.2%) with a comparative low percentage for middle grade books (30 books, 15.4%); YA (23 books, 11.8%); and finally a meager 11 new adult books (5.6%) – although that’s the category I “should” be reading in according to my age!
What I thought
All in all, I would actually say it’s been a pretty good reading year. Not only did I read a lot of books, I also managed to more consciously make time to read. That’s not something that is always easy for me (I like to be busybusy and in being so, I can forget to actually read). What’s more, I came across a couple of books that I absolutely loved and would count as part of my favourites now. And I also revisited some old favourites and enjoyed rediscovering them!
Anyways, what was your reading like, this past year? Any books that stood out to you? Any you think might interest me as well? Be sure to let me know below!