
2019 Reading Updates – May Update

Right, so, as I mentioned previously – May wasn’t necessarily the best reading month ever. I mean, I got otherwise distracted, you know. I mean, it was bound to happen eventually, right? Either way – here’s my 2019 Reading Updates May Update!

What I read

  1. Please Send Help, Gabbie Dunn & Allison Raskin
  2. Here’s Looking At You, Mhairi McFarlane
  3. You Had Me At Hello, Mhairi McFarlane
  4. The Wedding Date, Jasmine Guilleroy
  5. The Proposal, Jasmine Guilleoroy
  6. Falling for Charming, Sophie Weston
  7. The Northern Lights Lodge, Julie Caplin
  8. Dating by the Book, Mary Ann Marlowe
  9. Hattie’s Home for Broken Hearts, Tilly Tennant
  10. A Vicarage Homecoming, Kate Hewitt
  11. Kiss, Jill Mansell
  12. Maybe This Time, Jill Mansell

Is it bad that 12 feels like very little books? Or is that just me? Because – to put things into perspective – May was also the month that I reached my reading goal for the entire year – 100 books…

What I thought

Is it really obvious I didn’t have any type of readathon to spur me on, this month? I feel like it is :p

I also feel like it’s really obvious I was in need of some light, fluffy, chicklit reading. But can you blame me? It’s almost summer! And if that isn’t prime-chicklit-reading-time? Well, I don’t know what is!

In general though, I will say that this month was something less of a reading month, not only in number of books, but also in rating of books. Where previous months had at least one 5-star rating, May just didn’t really have any of those. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the books I read, this past month – because I did. But I guess some months I’m just not really in the mood to have my entire worldview altered?

Either way, I can’t wait to see what June will have in store for me, reading-wise. You know, whenever I might have a minute to spare from correcting exams and moving house :p

What have you been reading this past month? Any books you would recommend in particular? Be sure to let me know below!


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