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2020 Mid Year Book Freakout Tag

2020 so far has been a mess. And I don’t just mean the whole world wide situation – although that certainly didn’t help either. But to spend the whole first six months out on sick leave with a major burn-out? Yes, not quite what I’d envisioned myself doing this year. And somehow – wouldn’t you know it – that burn-out generally included my reading as well. So what I actually read this year? That’s what I’m hoping my 2020 Mid Year Book Freakout Tag will help me figure out!

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2020?

The Next Person You Meet in Heaven – I absolutely loved The Five People You Meet in Heaven, which is *sort of* part of the same series. This one though, really hit me with its ending. It’s also one of only 3 5 star ratings I’ve had so far, this year, so that’s saying something, right?

2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2020?

Hearstopper Volume 2 – this was my first time reading anything by Alice Oseman and I basically fell straight in love with her Heartstopper-series. Enough that I read all 3 books in 2 days…

3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to?

You Should See Me In A Crown – because of BLM and various other reasons, such as there are: the story sounds amazing!

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of 2020?

I’ve completely failed to actually follow what new releases are expected for the second part of 2020, so… none?

5. Biggest disappointment?

Can I just opt for my 5 most disappointing reads?

6. Biggest surprise?

Probably the Bridgertons-series. I expected quite a silly, fluffy series, and while – sure – it was that? It also gave me so many feels and it really got me into the idea of reading more historical romance!

7. Favourite new author?

Withouth any doubt Alice Oseman, because of the Heartstopper-series. And now, naturally, I want to read anything else she ever wrote 🙂

8. Newest fictional crush?

None. I know, it’s disappointing to me as well 🙂

9. Newest favourite character?

I can’t say Thomas from Downton Abbey, right? Because if I could, it would so be him.

Anyways, because he isn’t a book-character and as such doesn’t count? I’ll have to go with either Paulo from The Next Person You Meet in Heaven or Charlie and Nick from Heartstopper (yes, I know, that same book again)

10. Book that made you cry?

Both The Wedding War and Meg and Jo got me tearing up, although for very different reasons.

11. Book that made you happy?

Tweet Cute – as says the title, it was very cute.

12. Favourite book to movie adaptation you saw this year?

Little Women. I mean, it’s an adaptation of one of my favourite books of all times. And it has Emma Watson. And it goes meta on the ending of the book. What’s not to love?

13. Favourite review you’ve written this year?

All of them. (clichés hurray)

14. Most beautiful book you bought so far this year?

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse – both in art work and in story, this one was just beautiful.

It’s funny how, even though I’ve read over 60 books this year, for every single one of these questions, I just got fanfiction-answers stuck in my head? I guess that’s what I get for reading almost nothing but- for the past months? Either way, what have you been reading these past months? How has 2020 been treating you, bookwise or other? Be sure to let me know below!


Walking Through The Pages - Book Tags: 2020 Mid Year Book Freakout

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