Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly List #58: 5 More Childhood Favorites

As I already mentioned in my Fall and Winter TBR, a couple of weeks back, in this period of year I tend to go to some nice and cosy books. The weather just begs for it, don’t you think? And of course, what could be better, then, than to reread some of my childhood favorites?

Not only do they have all those open fire-cosy Saturday evenings-memories attached to them – they’re just genuinely cute! So here are, then, 5 more of my childhood favourites – that I might or might not start rereading really soon!

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1.De Achterblijvers, Lydia Verbeeck

Now, I know this one is in Dutch and as such really not all that interesting to most of you. However, this book is so absolutely breath-takingly amazing, that I just couldn’t not mention it here.

This is the story of an early 20th century family, where the parents and most of the children travel to America (or Canada) to make a living there. However, they can’t afford to bring along all the children, so they leave behind the youngest 4 with several aunts and uncles. The book tells the story of those that were left behind (the ‘achterblijvers’) up until they have rejoined the rest of their family in America.
That might sound like quite the boring story, but I love these type of books. Inspired by real facts, quite historical, well-written? Give me it!

2. Pluk van de Petteflet, Annie M.G. Schmidt

This is one of those books that, probably, every single kid in the Netherlands and Flanders has read. It’s written by Annie M.G. Schmidt, one of the most renowned authors of children’s literature around here – and it’s amazing.

It was actually translated to English (and German, French, etc.) and that doesn’t happen all that often for Dutch books – so that’s telling you something!
Not only is this such a cute story, it manages to give quite some “lessons” about friendship, environmental awareness, and so on and so forth.

Seriously – if you have a kid that you still read to sometimes (or even just if you want to read it yourself – I know I still do every once in a while) this one is a definite recommendation!

3. The Children of Noisy Village, Astrid Lindgren

Before you even start on me – I know it probably feels like I have to mention Astrid Lindgren at least once every month. But what can I say, I love her work!

This one in particular, I once (randomly) read during my winter exams. Somehow, my head made a connection, and ever since, The Children of Noisy Village has been a book to read in autumn or winter.

And, yes, I do in fact still read at an almost yearly basis during that period!

4. Dance!, Anne-Marie Pol

So, obviously, I definitely had my period of “I want to be a pretty ballerina”. And yes, you read that right: I wanted to be a pretty ballerina – not just any ballerina, no, I had to be pretty.
Oh well.

Anyways, this series is about a girl who is learning how to be a ballerina. In Paris.
Need I say more?
(Obviously, I read this one in its Dutch translation, even though only 4 of the series were available at the time, I think. Still, I loved it!)

5. Heidi, Johanna Spyri

My grandparents had this amazing, shortened and simplified, edition of this story and I utterly devoured it. (And I don’t use that word lightly, it’s probably the first time it’s been used on this blog!)

Not only does it take place in a far enough place that I can be all dreamy about wanting to travel there – the story in and of itself is just amazing as well.
(And, yes – when I went to Swiss a couple of years back, I definitely may have pretended to be Heidi in my head!)

So, anyways: there you have it! 5 more of my favourite childhood books! If you’re curious what other favourite childhood books I’ve already discussed, be sure to check out that tag!

And of course, as always: be sure to let me know below if you know any of these – and maybe even loved them as well?


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