Weekly Lists #164: Children’s Books to Read as an Adult
A while back, G-Swizzle made a video on her favourite children’s books as an adult. It didn’t really strike me as odd, at the time, because I, too, tend to still go back to children’s literature. When I need something comforting, something relaxing, something familiar, something cosy? Children’s books are where it’s at. But – apparently – not everyone thinks like that. I came across a comment a couple of days ago that “adults should stay in their lane”. And sure, I think it’s important when reading children’s literature, or even YA, that you are not the intended audience. In other words: things that might seem childish or anything of the sort to you? Aren’t necessarily that to the people who a book was written for. That being said – children’s books are amazing. And it just seems a pity to let go of that, just because you aren’t the intended reader. So here are some children’s books that I definitely think you should (re)read as an adult!
1. A Letter for the King + Secrets of the Wild Wood
This duology is still one of the best series I’ve ever read. I felt that way when I read them for the first time as a kid, I still felt that way when I reread them this past fall. What’s even better? Both have recently been (re)translated, and the translations get the story right!
(A Letter for the King: Review – Goodreads; Secrets of the Wild Wood: Review – Goodreads)
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2. Percy Jackson: all series
First of all, I don’t think you can really appreciate the level of intricacy that Rick Riordan managed to put into this level as a kid. That becomes especially clear in the crossovers between his series, where you have gods from different cultures interacting. The way he manages to keep their “identity” close enough to the original, yet transform them enough that they fit into all the stories so beautifully? That’s art.
Secondly… Well, the series is just so well-built, and its plots have so many layers… And of course: the characters have such well-developed back stories, that it’s a joy to (re)discover all of that! (Goodreads)
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3. A Series of Unfortunate Events
This is a trend I’ve slowly seen develop amongst a lot of my friends, ever since the Netflix-series has been made. People see the series, get interested, and don’t really have enough with “just” the series. Plus, a lot of people only ever read part of the series, which means that there’s still a lot of the series to be discovered. I don’t think I actually ever got any further than part 5 or 6 – by the time the books were translated into Dutch, purchased by my library, and then available to me to borrow? Suffice it to say that by the time I could continue reading, I had basically outgrown the series… Well, apparently I have re-grown into it or something 🙂 (Goodreads)
4. Chrestomanci-series
What appears to be a common thread throughout this post, is that series are basically the best to get back to. That’s very much so the case for Diana Wynne Jones’ Chrestomanci series. The world concept in this series is so different from anything I’d come across before… Not to mention that the author really takes the time to highlight ver different aspects and point of views from those worlds… All together, it makes for an excellent read, both as a kid ànd as an adult. (Goodreads)
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5. Ronia, the Robber’s daughter
The only book in this entire post that isn’t at least part of a series, but it definitely is one you should (re)read as an adult. Just like Astrid Lindgren’s The Brothers Lionheart, this is the kind of book that doesn’t just tell a story, it reflects on some of the most basic values of life. And, let’s be real – to find a book that talks about those, without getting boring and/or in your face really quickly? Well, that’s rare, even in “adult literature”. What’s more, the story in this one is just beautiful. And, of course – it’s just a beautiful story that always makes me dream away… (Goodreads)
What are some children’s books you think adults should definitely give a try? Be sure to let me know below!