Booktags #18: Goodreads book tag
I mean, it’s pretty clear, right? That I’m kind of falling back in love with book tags? Or at least, well, you know. It should be. Considering this one’s like, what, the third in less than a week? But what can I say? They’re fun, they’re quick, they make me think about my books in a little different way from time to time. And of course – this one features the site that guides me in all my reading. It’s the Goodreads book tag!
What was the last book you marked as ‘read’?
“Marketing communications as a strategic function”
I’m trying to read books that relate to my students so I can adapt my classes to their needs. This is definitely one those books!
What are you currently reading?
“Wijsbegeerte – een historische inlieiding” – which I have been reading for about 9 months at this point. It’s slow progress, but there is progress!
“Greek Mythology: a concise guide to ancient gods, heroes, beliefs and myths of greek mythology” – I’ve just always been interested in mythology and history 🙂
“Voor het zeggen” – it’s a new release for this week, it’s somewhere between fiction and non-fiction (I think) and I honestly have no idea what I think about it. Yet. So there’s that!
What was the last book you marked as TBR?
“The home for unwanted girls” – a new release for April which sounds, quite frankly, amazing.
What book do you plan to read next?
I have no idea. It really depends on the mood I’m in when I finish the previous read. Or if maybe I even need an escape from my current read. There’s plenty of options though 🙂
Do you use the star rating system?
Yes, although, not quite as Goodreads intended it, probably 🙂
Do you have a wishlist?
Who doesn’t?
What book do you plan to buy next?
Another thing I don’t plan. Whichever book I come across that’s cheap, sounds interesting and looks nice 🙂
Do you have any favourite quotes? Share a few.
Too many. Which is probably why I once dedicated an entire post to this subject!
Who are your favourite authors?
That depends completely on the genre. For chicklit probably Cathy Kelly and Jill Mansel, maybe Kate Perry. For children’s literature: Astrid Lindgren, J.K. Rowling, maybe Enid Blyton. For “real fiction” probably Mitch Albom, although I’m not 100% sure his work necessarily counts as fiction? Again: it depends on the genre. Basically any author whose work I’ve given 5 stars!
Have you joined any groups?
Of course I have, although I have to admit I’m not particularly active in any of them. Unfortunately.
And that’s that for the Goodreads book tag! Be sure to let me know below what your answers were, or feel free to consider yourself tag if you haven’t been already!