Book Tags #8: A Little Less Lonely Book Tag
Everybody gets a little lonely sometimes – luckily, then there’s books to keep you company. And in a way, that’s exactly what the A Little Less Lonely Book Tag is about!
When I came across this tag on Myriad Inklings (as one does :p ) I just knew I had to do it – after all, how perfect is this for me?
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1. Classic that seemed to “get you”
A classic book, modern or not, where you identified with the main character or any of the characters on a deep level
I don’t know whether this is because I first read it at such a young age, or just because it’s me, but I’ve always felt really close to Jo. I love her attitude, her hard work, and her love for her family.
And of course, she gets to go travel and read and write – what more could I want?
2. A surprise
A book that surprised you with how much it affected you
Now, it’s not that I wasn’t prepared to cry – I mean, anyone who’s ever read a review of this one knows that’s definitely an option. However, I didn’t think this story would affect me quite as much as it did.
I was especially surprised with how much I identified with the main characters. I mean, it’s not really a good thing, in this case, so, you know…
3. Book you read at just the right time
I mean, I guess any time I reread this series now is the right time.
However – when I first read it, it was just the perfect time for it. Not only did I really need a book or series to go back to every single time, I was just the right age to completely grow up with it.
And I did 🙂
4. Book that inspires you
I think it’s just how intricate and magical this one is. I struggled a bit to get through this one at first, but quite frankly – now I just love it. There’s something about it that makes me want to just be different?
That sounds incredibly pretentious, probably, but The Night Circus just did that to mei
5. Book that calms you
For this one, I just know it’s the fact that these were some of my absolute favourites when I was a kid. I mean, who doesn’t love going back to their old favs? And of course, the fact that any book by Astrid Lindgren speaks about an age that was just inherently more calm? Only helps 🙂
If you haven’t done this tag yet, feel free to do so – and of course: leave me the link down below!