Books,  Spring

My 2018 Spring TBR

It feels crazy that I’m actually writing this, because apparently it’s going to be snowing tomorrow. You know, as it does, less than a week before spring is set to officially start. None the less, spring is, indeed, almost here. Almost. Which means it’s about time I get to thinking about the books I would like to read these following couple of months, right? Well… Here’s my 2018 spring TBR!

Now, as I said when discussing the types of books I wanted to read in 2018, two of the things that came to the front the most were poetry and non-fiction. I’ve been doing pretty good on both accounts, I do think, so I’m hoping to continue down that line. And here’s how!


This past January, I finally got round to reading Amanda Lovelace’s The Princess Saves Herself in This One. The sequel was released just earlier this month, so I am hoping to buy and read it pretty soon. The impression left by her first book was just that good!

I’ve also had some fun discovering Amazon’s free range, so another thing that’s pretty high up my list is reading some more classic literature. Emily Dickinson comes to mind, but I’m open to any suggestions!


Now, I’ve mentioned just once or twice that I’m a teacher. What I maybe haven’t mentioned before, though, is that I’m teaching languages to business-students. I’ve been trying to get some marketing, negotiating, etc.-reading in, to better adapt my classes to their needs. In other words: there’s definitely some more marketing-books coming along. Again – Amazon has good free stuff.

Talk about Amazon’s free stuff, they also have quite the range of history-books. So again: something I would like to read more of. The good thing is I have those books on my Kindle-app on my phone, so I really can read just about everywhere. And of course, I have some actual physical books I would like to get (back) to as well. My books on the history of Dutch literature are just one example of this.


So I think this category can be best summarised in just one word: romance. What with reading more “serious” literature for school and for fun, I’ve found myself gravitating towards chicklit even more so than usual for some relaxing reading. I have quite a couple lined up – Jill Mansell and Cathy Kelly feature heavily, as per the usual.

There’s also some series I’ve begun last year I would like to read the sequels to. I actually just finished A Vicarage Reunion, the sequel to A Vicarage Christmas, and if I’m not mistaken there’s a couple of other books that I got through NetGalley which have since had their sequel come out. That’s the problem with getting a book for free: if I like it, I always want more. Those authors are doing good business on me!

A final category, and this may seem quite random, is literature related to WW2. I was asked to do a booklaunch for a book about a local Belgian village during the last days of WW2 and it got me – hard.

Anyways, it’s left me wanting to read more books related to WW2. I’ve got a couple added to my Goodreads-TBR already, another couple that I will probably re-read. But as per the usual: if you have any recommendations (for this or any other element of this post) please do leave them below! I could always do with the extra additions to my TBR 🙂

What will you be reading this spring? Any similar ideas to mine? Or do you prefer to just see what books you come across and go from there? Be sure to let me know below!


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