Books,  Tags

Book Tags #10: My Life in Books Tag

This is another book tag I came across on Dreamland Book Blog – and I just couldn’t not do it, you know? I mean, this is basically a sort of cross between a book tag and a personal tag. What’s not to love? So here’s the My life in Books Tag!

1. Find a book for each of your initials

Okay, so I have like 5 first names, ànd my last name consists of two parts. So I’m only going to do this for my actual first name and last name, okay?

2. Count your age along your bookshelf: What book is it?

Depending on the shelf, it’s either Gulliver’s travelsTo Kill a MockingbirdParce que je t’aimeAllegiant, or about 15 other options. I guess I have a lot of shelves?

3. Pick a book set in your city / country

There’s not really that many books set in Belgium that I actually like. I guess I’m just going to go for Het Verdriet van België, or The Sorrow of Belgium by Hugo Claus. He’s one of those people that is considered one of the great writers of literature in Dutch, so I probably can’t go wrong with that one 🙂

4. Pick a book that represents a destination you’d love to travel to

But I want to travel to so many places! Probably my top two picks would be Sweden and the United States, so I’m going to go with these two 🙂

5 Pick a book that’s your favorite color

I don’t really have a favourite colour? Well, you know, I love green and purple and yellow and black, but then I’d need a rainbow. And as it so happens, I do actually own a book that kinda looks like a rainbow:

6. Which book do you have the fondest memories of?

Again, I’m stuck choosing between two books that I love so much but for such different reasons. Basically, I’m going to let this bit of music speak for itself:

The other option was naturally Pippi Longstocking, or really anything by Astrid Lindgren. Because of reasons, obviously

7. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?

Any of these:

Seriously, set reading will be the death of me.

8. Which book in your TBR-pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it?

Definitely, that’s why it’s also one of my goals for this year!

Anyways, there you have it – that’s the My Life in Books Tag done! Be sure to let me know below if you have done this one as well, or if you know of any other fun tags you think I should do!


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