Book Tags #11: Opposite Books Tag
And here I am, back at it again with the book tags. What’s more: back at it again with yet another tag that I found on Dreamland Book Blog! What can I say, that girl has so many amazing book tags! Anyways, for this Opposite Books Tag you basically get two opposite questions where books are concerned. (Duh) If that sounds vague? Just read on, because it’ll become clear pretty quickly 🙂
1. First book in your collection/Last book you bought.
I’ve basically owned books for as long as I can remember, so I’m not really sure about this one. It was probably a fairytale book that got passed on from my aunts, uncles, or parents.
The last book I bought at the point of writing was probably Cathy Kelly’s latest – I do love everything she writes!
2. A cheap book/An expensive book.
Cheap book: any book that I got for a birthday or for Christmas? After all, it doesn’t get much cheaper than free!
The most expensive book was probably my book for English Linguistics a couple of years back. It cost around €80, and it was only about 300 pages. Unfortunately, we did have to take it with us (in the physical copy) to every class and it was extra (obligated) reading, so I didn’t really have a choice but to buy it…
3. A book with a male protagonist/One with a female protagonist.
Male protagonist: De Brief voor de koning, by Tonke Dragt. This is basically one of those books where I think it’s just a pitty that it was written in Dutch, because that means that way less people will get to read it. And this book is seriously so amazing! More people should read it!
To go on with the Dutch books: Saartje Tadema, by Thea Beckman. And yes, I totally first read that book because its main character had almost the same name as I do. The fact that I’ve since re-read it about 10 times though? Totally because Thea Beckman is just that amazing!
4. A book you read fast/One that took you long to read.
A book I read really fast: Girl Hearts Girl by Lucy Suttcliffe – I finished that one in probably 2 hours and a bit, just because I loved it so much.
One that took me a loooooong time to read: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves – I think that one took me about 5 months.
5. Pretty cover/Ugly cover.
Gorgeous cover: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.
Hideous cover: My edition of The Great Gatsby. I just don’t like anything about that book.
6. A national book/An international book.
Well, international for me is anything not Belgian, so that’s quite easy 🙂
National book: anything by Louis Paul Boon or Hugo Claus.
International book: The Lord of the Rings? Because that book is out of this world :p
7. A thin book/A thick book.
Thin book: The Little Prince, it only has a little more than 60 pages.
Thick book: Moby Dick – it has over 700 pages. Ugh.
8. Fiction book/Non-fiction book.
Fiction: The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom.
Non-fiction: Have a Little Faith, also by Mitch Albom.
9. Very (way too) romantic book/Action book.
Very romantic book: anything by Cathy Kelly or Jill Mansel – although those are never way too romantic, they always have just the right amount of romance 🙂
Action book: I guess His Dark Materials, by Philip Pullman?
10. A book that made you happy/One that made you sad.
Happy book: Anything by Astrid Lindgren! Apart from The Brothers Lionheart, that one’s a tearjerker.
Sad book: either The Book Thief or All the Bright Places – both of those made me ugly-cry in public, so, you know…
And there you have it, that’s the Opposite Books Tag! Feel free to consider yourself tagged as well, if you haven’t done this tag yet, and do let me know below what your replies were!