Books,  Lifestyle

Spring Bookshelf Decoration

As part of the Bookending Spring 2019 edition, I’m taking on Theresa @The Calico Books‘ prompt. Sure, this is technically yesterday’s prompt, but, you know… You mustn’t mess with Weekly Lists, right? And either way, I needed more time to think about exactly what I would decorate with!

Some greenery

Some of my favourite things in Ikea, are the fake plants. After all, with two people that both have hay fever, real plants or flowers aren’t necessarily the best idea.

However, there’s nothing quite like some greenery to lighten up (and spring-ify) your shelves. And the good thing is that Ikea has quite a variation in sizes and hights in their shrubbery, which makes for fun contrasts with higher or lower books!

These are the two that we have, and we’ve had them for a couple of years. We’ve even gotten questions on where we got them, because they do seem – especially the one on the left – fairly realistic.

Bright colours

I have a really fun mask that I bought in Venice and it’s basically been the inspiration for all my spring bookshelf decoration. It’s made me go for objects that I can actually use, more so than things I get just because they’re decorative.

For example, we have these mugs that have different smileys on them – each mug has a different (bright) colour on the inside, which makes for a “happy looking” top of my shelves, when I line them all up.

On the less-functional side, we have two little statues of hares that lean to each other, as well as a small chick in a fun green sweater – all of these things are just small on their own, but together, they just help to bring some colour and brightness into my shelves!


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I mean, we’re talking about book shelves, so obviously these need to be involved. And luckily, I have enough books that I can actually play a bit with which ones I show case. So, depending on the season, I’ll switch out the deeper reds and greens of some of my cosy reads, for the brighter colours of some YA or some fun romance reads. Even in my children’s literature shelves, I can vary quite a bit.

The main thing here is that, in spring, variation is key. Rather than focus on a particular copy, I try to put different colours next to each other. In combination with the bright walls that my shelves stand next to, it allows for a happy feeling – and not even that comes from just the books!

And there you have it! That’s my spring bookshelf decoration. I try not to overdo it too much, because I do feel that bookshelves should focus more son on the books than on the decoration itself. Then again, that’s just me – be sure to let me know your opinion (and/or your favourite spring bookshelf decoration!) below!
