Books,  Holidays,  Thanksgiving,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #110: Books to be Thankful For

There’s few things in life I’m as grateful for as the ability to read. Books have shaped me in such a major way that it doesn’t do any harm to, once in every while, remember just how luck I am to actually be getting this opportunity. And even beyond just reading in general… There’s just some books that have  shaped and changed me so much? They’re definitely deserving of the title books to be thankful for!

In general, these will probably be the books listed on my re-re-re-re-re-re-read list on Goodreads. The ones that I will go back to, time and time again. The ones that have given me a different perspective on life, myself, the people around me.  And here’s 5 of them!

1. Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling

There’s been entire studies done on how this series allowed people to  be more broad-minded, see more clearly when others or even they, themselves, go in the wrong. And of course, then there’s the entire nazism-parallel with the Death Eathers.

Now, I’m not saying that I necessarily got all of the effects this series could possibly have offered me? But yeah, I’m definitely sure it’s had some sort of positive effect on me.

2. Narnia, C.S. Lewis

This is probably the series that really made me appreciate religion, together with my children’s bible. (Yes, I had one of those) Apart from whether I would still consider myself very religious today, I firmly believe that it’s impossible to really understand people of any conviction if you don’t know where they’re coming from. And that’s probably largely due to this series – it showed me that there are (or at the very least can be) many different sides to any religion and how it is lived, and that to underestimate that means to diminish the values of those you are talking to. (Sorry to go all theological and philosophical on you, but oh well…)

3. Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson

Sure, I saw the movie based on this before I ever read the book, but that isn’t as important right now. This was the story that “introduced” me to the entire concept of sexual misconduct. First of all, how lucky am I that – unlike too many others – I got to learn about it from a story. But also: this book definitely left its mark on me, and I hope I carry that with me no matter who I’m talking to or what they’ve been through.

4. Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro

Again: I saw the movie first. Again: that doesn’t diminish from the message of the book. I actually first saw/read the story before the whole dystopian world became huge (dare I say: overwhelming) in YA, and I still feel it might just be one of the more plausible options.

(Isn’t there a quote that says something like: “when the end came, it came quietly”? This book shows how just that might be the case. How for many people, a post-apocalyptic world will not seem like a bad thing. How division based on race, gendre, wealth might survive even the next 100 years and longer. And how, of course… That just gives us all the more reason to fight for equality now)

5. The Time and Space of Uncle Albert, Russell Stannard

Because of this book, I still love sciences. I have similar books for history, languages, philosophy… There’s always those first books that don’t so much change you on a metaphysical level, but just influence you big time. These are the books that I read at just the right moment, that have shaped my interests, my likes, my dislikes. They are definitely books to be thankful for, because without them, I wouldn’t be who I am today. (And what a horror that would be :p )

So there you have it, that’s 5 books to be thankful for. What books would you have on this list? What stories have changed you and your perspective? Be sure to let me know below!
