Christmas,  Holidays

My Christmas Wish List

This is a post that I both love and hate writing every year. Love, because: I get to list all the things I could possibly ever want. Hate, because: I never know if I want something bad enough to ask for it. Either way: here’s my Christmas wish list!

1. Books

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1. Adequate Yearly Progress: the title alone does it really. The story makes it sound even better. (Goodreads)

2. Yuval Noah Harari: because, you know: science. And knowledge. All things I’m pretty darn fond of. And also, apparently these books are written very well! (SapiensHomo Deus21 Lessons)

3. All Out: The No-Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout The Ages: do I even need to explain this? These stories sound fascinating – and also: they need to be heard. (Goodreads)

4. Ogre Enchanted: I loved Ella Enchanted, so it’s only natural that I want to read the prequel as well, right? (Goodreads)

5. The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out Of The Window And Disappeared: fun fact: I almost bought another book by the same author on three. different. occasions. Anyways, this one sounds interesting too :p (Goodreads)

6. Sex with the Queen; Sex with Kings: because history. And scandal. What else do you need? (QueenKing)

7. The Clockmaker’s Daughter: I need to read more historical fiction but it’s often quite expensive to buy myself? So, you know – I want someone to give it to me. As one does. (Goodreads)

8. Crazy Rich Asians: I don’t want to watch it until I’ve read it. So I need to read it. But it’s an entire series. So I need to be gifted it. (Goodreads)

9. The Next Person You Meet In Heaven: I loved the first part of this series. And every other book by Mitch Albom I’ve ever read. Really, everything points towards me liking this one. (Goodreads)

2. Utensils

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1. Brita Water Filter: we already have the filter jug, but, honestly… With how much water I drink? We need the big guns. (Amazon)

2. Bottles: see above, really! (Amazon)

3. Glass Storage Boxes: I love cooking. Particularly in large batches. But I don’t have enough storage to then save the food in. Or, if I’m being honest, enough closets to store the storage boxes in. But still – I want all the things! (4-part or 6-part set)

4. Pots and pans: they’re so pretty. And they’re blue. And there’s so many of them! (Blue setGrill pan)

5. Electric Fondue: this might be because it’s Christmas and every year either around Christmas or on New Year’s Eve, we do fondue or gourmet. And I always have to borrow the parents’ set. I need to stop doing that – and get someone to give it to me instead! (Amazon)

6. Fat Separator: I just like gadgets. That’s all the reason I need for this. (Amazon)

3. Randoms

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1. Face Cleanser: because acne. And stress. And I need this.(Amazon)

2. Juicer: Because juices. And stress. And I need this. (Amazon)

3. Purse: I just have a problem – I like purses. It’s the only thing, apart from kitchen utensils and books, I don’t think I will ever have enough of. (IndividualSet of 3)

4. Watch: do you know how many times a day I have to ask someone else what time it is? Because I can’t find my phone? (I probably should get on that as well) But still, I would be so much better a friend (or at least a less complaining one) if I just had a watch. Can someone give me this already? (Amazon)

Sooooo… That’s my wish list. Fun fact, when I was asked to send through my actual wish list? I thought of three books. That’s it. Why can I only ever think of gifts when I don’t need them?


Anyways, what’s on your Christmas wishlist this year? I actually have one extra thing: for you to go check out the rest of this year’s blogmas-posts as well as all the rest of my Christmas content! (gotta get those views up :p )


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