Lifestyle,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #99: 2010’s Eurosong Favorites

If you follow me on Twitter, and have done so for a couple of months, you’ll have seen the craziness that is Eurovision in Europe. It’s the one time a year you can be guaranteed to see all sorts of weird commentaries moving through Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. It’s a feast of glitter, weirdness and – sometimes – amazing music. It’s also one of my favorite things about spring. And lately, there’s been quite some good music. So here are – in my humble opinion – some of the best 2010’s Eurovision Songs!

1. Yodel It, Ilinca ft. Alex Florea (Romania, 2017)

When you first hear this song, it might strike you as a bit odd. However, that’s just because you haven’t listened to it often enough. Very unlike me, this year I didn’t listen to the songs before the actual semi-final. If I’m not mistaken, that was just after my first internship had ended, and right before the second one started, so I think I was just too exhausted to google anything, really.

However. The moment I heard the first note of this, I was hooked. I remember distinctly grabbing my phone to snapchat a clip to my song. She promptly responded with something like “OMG What even is that?” I think she already knew at that point she would be hearing much more of that song. She was right.

(But, come on! Doesn’t the yodelling just make you so happy? No? Just me? Okay then.)

2. Lights and Shadows, O’G3NE (The Netherlands, 2017)

In 2007, I think, these three sisters participated in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. I loved them then, and I’ve followed them ever since. Then they participated in The Voice of Holland and I fell in love with them even more. And then I heard the story behind their song, and, well… I still get goosebumps any time I hear this song…

Some other honorable mentions for this year: Norway’s Grab the Moment (which was just beyond genius, let’s be real) and Italy’s dancing monkey – seriously, that song brings a smile to my face every time I hear it!

3. A Million Voices, Polina Gagarina (Russia, 2015)

I loved this song. Give me a good ballad with a strong power moment any day of the month, and I’ll thank you. But honestly, 2015 was a pretty good year.

(Is it just me, or does a good year always seem to be followed by an exceptionally weak one? The only song I could even consider for 2016 was Love Love Peace Peace, but seeing how as it’s not technically an actual Eurovision song, I had to skip that one – and with it, that entire year)

But yeah, 2015 was a good one. Belgium actually did pretty good for once – that’s more exception than rule, and that for a country which has participated in every single Eurovision ever!

I also really liked Genealogy’s Face the Shadow, which makes it such a pity that their live performance was so lacking.

4. Birds, Anouk (The Netherlands, 2013)

2013 was one of those rare years where I actually liked the winner – not a thing that happens all too regularly. But then again, Only Teardrops didn’t leave our radio stations the rest of that year. Also not a thing that happens all too often.

My absolute favourite for 2013 was The Netherlands’ song though. Another thing that doesn’t happen too regularly: me liking the Dutch entry. 2013 and 2017 are actually the only exceptions I can really think of, off the top of my head!

5. The Secret is Love, Nadine Beiler (Austria, 2011)

Also known as: oh my that high note. This is the kind of variety in voice ranges and tones I strive to have.

Other honorable mentions for 2011: Eric Saade, Popular (who was, at the time, dating Molly Sandèn, whom I loved from Junior Eurovision) and Danmark with New Tomorrow. Those northern European countries, they really do it for me sometimes, you know?

And there you have it, that’s 5 (and then some) of my favourite 2010’s Eurovision songs! Do you watch the Eurovision Song Contest? Did you even know what it was? What’s your favourite – of these songs, or of all the songs from the 2010’s? Be sure to let me know below!


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