Weekly Lists #165: Favourite Content January
2019 is certainly off to a good start – there’s been a lot of content that I’ve absolutely loved reading, and even more that I just wanted to tuck away somewhere, so I would have it for later. You know, for when I needed it again. Here’s some of my favourite content January has offered us!
1. You’ll rest either way
Blair Lamb has some of my favourite content out there, honestly. Somehow, she always manages to get that balance between reflective and proactive just right. This post, discussing the concept of either choosing to rest, or being forced to rest, just illustrates that balance. For 2019, I can already feel that it’ll be an overwhelming year, so this post came just in time to make me realise: I’ll definitely have to choose to rest. If not, I’ll be forced to – by pushing myself over whatever limits I have left, at this point…
2. Count your blessings
Why not have an online gratitude journal, right? After all – sometimes blessings really are in the smallest of things. And writing them down, making that choice to be conscious of them? It’s just the kind of inspiration I’ve been needing! (Her post on turning 27? Also a must-read!)
3. How to say no
This entire post is basically just turning into a “how to get my own goals going”-list. But can you blame me? Half of my problems with work stem from the fact that I don’t know how to say no, and as such… Well… Let’s just say that 70h-work-weeks aren’t fun and keep it at that, okay?
4. Inspirational Travel Quotes
2019 is a bit of a weird year in that I both really want to travel a lot, and know I probably shouldn’t. You know – saving for a house and all that… And also – we all know I’m a bit of a quote-fiend. So, you know… Inspirational travel quotes? Big yes from me!
5. Habits trackers
I mean, honestly, I’m probably never going to use any of these. That being said – I do love the ideas of all of these?
Anyways, what posts or videos have you been loving this past month? Any you think I might enjoy? Be sure to let me know below – and do go ahead and check out all of these posts/bloggers!