Ways to Get in the Holiday Spirit
For all that I seem to be constantly ready for Christmas, I can actually have some trouble getting in the holiday spirit. Last year especially, I had so much work for school that I basically completely missed out on that Christmas feeling. As you might guess, I’m actually just writing this list to prevent that from happening again, but I figured some of you might have some need for it as well. So here are some of my ways to get in the holiday spirit!
1. Listen to music
And no, that doesn’t have to be Jingle Bells in 15 different versions! Holiday music is way more than just those classics – if you need some inspiration, do come back tomorrow when I’ll have a list up of some of my favourite music to listen to at this time of year. Of course, you could also take a look at last year’s list, or just listen to the soundtrack of The Holiday – seriously, it’s really winter-y, but not too holiday-y, you know?
2. Take your time
The Holidays can get really overwhelming at times – if you have anxiety especially. So let yourself take the time to take it all in. Be that “it” the amount of presents you have to buy, the amount of people you have to see, and / or just the general business of the season.
Going hand in hand with this: give yourself a break every once in a while to let everything sink in and to recuperate.
3. Decorate
Look, you don’t have to use printables, or get the biggest tree, or whatever. But if you visually bring the holidays into your home just a bit, you’ll gradually grow to accept it. Sort of a “fake it til you make it” type of situation, if that makes any sense?
4. Spread joy
Christmas is, no matter how much most people seem to forget about that, about more than just all the gifts. Specifically, it’s about giving. Spreading (and giving) joy is probably one of the best things you can do to get into the Christmas spirit – because you’re actually going back to something more of the original message.
(after all: the birth of Christ was a gift to all of humanity!)
Whether you donate to a charity, physically go to help (at a shelter, maybe?) or try to give as many compliments a day as possible (you have no idea how much you can brighten up people’s days like that!)… Try and give something – time, money, a bit of confidence. Giving is the key word!
5. Have time
Yes, this is a different one from taking time! Have some time with family, with friends, with co-workers, with fellow students – with silence 🙂 … Anybody really! Sure, December also seems to fly by, but make sure to have some time to enjoy it. It’ll be gone before you know it, and you don’t want to spend the next 11 months wishing you’d spent more time enjoying with the people you love!
So there you have it, 5 of my tips to get into the Holiday Spirit. Be sure to let me know below how you do that, and do come back for the rest of this year’s blog-mas!