Christmas,  Holidays,  Lifestyle,  Winter

Winter Wonderland

For the twelve days of Christmas, I’ll post one list of 5 Christmas-related things each day. Today: 5 of my favourite “I-wish-I-lived-there-or-at-least-could-go-visit-there”-Winter Wonderland-places!

One of my biggest let-downs the past couple of years has been that, apparently, Belgium just doesn’t do White Christmas (anymore) – sure, we’ll get some snow every other year… But only when I have to be in time to take an exam and the snow makes my train 3 hours late (Yes, this actually happened – the stress!) So, obviously, I have to get my kick from somewhere else – and that’s usually where these places come in… So let’s get started!

1. New York, at Christmas time

You can blame this one completely and utterly on Home Alone 2 – no, it wasn’t as good as the first movie, but man, that scene when Kevin is sitting in front of the giant Christmas tree – I want to go there! And the scene at the end! (also, Friends made me want to see it, as did How I Met Your Mother, and Girl Meets World, and man, there really are a lot of shows that take place in New York, aren’t there?

2. Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

I’ve wanted to go here for years.
Let’s be honest – this sounds like, basically, the best thing ever. It’s London, it’s everything Christmas and snowy and magical in one place – and did I mention it’s London??
And that has an ice rink, a circus, a giant wheel, Santa Land, and so on, and so forth?
3. Every single picture that looks like this:

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You find them everywhere – Christmas cards, Christmas stories, Christmas movies….  I wish I could go to a place where Christmas really looks like this – but seeing how as I sincerely doubt it even exists, I guess I’ll just have to settle for looking at these types of pictures instead…

4. Sweden

I’ve loved the idea as long as I can remember (blame Astrid Lindgren for that one), so I would love to actually see it around Christmas time – all the snow! and the decorations! and Santa Claus!

One day, I promise you, I’m going to Sweden, or Norway, or Finland, or Canada, or somewhere else up north, and enjoy the cold and the snow and the darkness of winter!

5. Hogwarts

Harry Potter, for me, is such a Christmas-sy series to read, or watch. It’s just one of those stories that almost feels like coming home. And of course, Christmas at Hogwarts is just one of those things that I simply cannot get enough of – I mean, have you seen the Great Hall?

Photo Credit

So there you have it, 5 of my favourite Winter Wonderlands, places which I would love to see at Christmas time. Are there any others you feel I should include? What places would you most like to spend this time of the year? Or even just see? Be sure to let me know below!


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