Monthly Updates #3: February Watchables
So it’s the last Saturday of February, and that means it’s time to list up what I’ve been watching this month!
(Spoiler alert: mainly the same 5 things 10×10³ times over again)
So… Yeah. February was a month of binging stuff for me – be it sushi (I had too much on Thursday and I still haven’t recovered) or whatever I’m watching. Case in point: the first one of this list.
1. Perception, starring Eric McCormack and Rachael Leigh Cook
So, imagine this: broody and attractive paranoid schizophrenic college professor in neuroscience becomes (again) consultant to the FBI. Also featured: genius side characters, original plot lines and mysteries, emotional depth, scientific correctness, humour and 3 season ready for you to watch.
(Tip: pace yourself. The whole series was available at once for a month – it took me and the bf not-even-3-weeks to go through all of them and now I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life)
2. Beauty Break, Clevver
Now these women are amazing – owkey! (and if you don’t believe that, just look at number 4, you’ll see). First of all, I used to know Clevver from nothing but their “News Updates”, and then I discovered this month that, somehow, I’d completely been missing out on, basically, their best stuff! Like, they’re awesome, funny, they try some amazing (and wacko) stuff, they seem like such amazing people (especially Lily. Lily is my #WCF ) and this whole show just literally made me laugh out loud so often that the bf got annoyed at me (hashtag – oops)
3. The Ceiling
I wish I were kidding on this one, you guys, I really do, but unfortunately I’ve been feeling “not quite right but just good enough to go to classes” for over 2 weeks, which has resulted in me taking as many naps as humanly possible – while also juggling classes, thesis-writing, blog-writing, something vaguely resembling a social life and just general life…
#Goals right here-so!
4. Cheat Day, Clevver
I did basically warn you more Clevver-awesomness was coming, didn’t I?
What can I say, apart from that teeny tiny detail where I was already subscribed to way too many channels on YouTube, there was nothing holding me back from subscribing to all the Clevver channels – and then watching as many videos on all of them as I possibly could within two weeks.
This series just happened to be one of those that I liked most (because food, obviously)
5. Meghan Rienks
Oh my, another YouTuber – what do you know??
So she actually is a un-official but vital part of the Beauty Break-team on Clevver, and once it became clear that this Clevver-thing was here to stay, YouTube started suggesting I watch her videos as well – I started with her 2014 Vlogmas videos (which really helped in me finally understanding the whole Olivia-joke) and somewhere along the line ended up watching 5 Q&A-videos in a row…
It happened, it’ll happen again – let’s learn to live with it 🙂
So there you have it, what I have been watching this past month! It was mainly all over the place and if at all possible an overdose of all the things – but sometimes, that’s just how I role… What can I say?
Anyways, do you ever watch any Clevver videos? Do you know Perception (nobody here does, I need somebody to fangirl with!) Do you have any obsessions I should totally go check out (and preferably binge as well)? Be sure to let me know below!