Lifestyle,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #75: 90s music to brighten your day

So I’ve always been someone who is really perceptive to music – I have playlists for just about any mood, any day, any activity. More than that, though, music has always been one of the best things to get me out of a funk. Being a 90’s kid, probably some of the best songs to do that are from that age. From the silly to the amazing – here’s some 90s music that will (hopefully) brighten your day!

1. B*witched – C’est la vie

This is probably one of my most beloved 90s, songs, if for no other reason than I liked it so much back in the day. You see, the local children’s tv station had this thing where every day, right before they signed off (so around, like, 8 at night) they would show one music video. For what feels like weeks, looking back, that video was this song. It was so cute, happy, and just plain old simple, that I absolutely fell in love with it!

2. Hanson – MMMBop

Wanna talk about universally recognized 90s songs? Then this one should probably be on the top of your list! Just listen to it, and enjoy having that ‘mmmbop’ stuck in your head for the rest of the day!

3. Deep Blue Something – Breakfast at Tiffany’s

I don’t actually know that I loved this one all that much during the 90s (I was 7 when that decade ended, give me a break :p ) but ever since two guys played it at our annual school performance, I’ve been coming back to it time and time again. There’s just so ultimately 90s about the build of this song – and I like it!

4. Sixpence None The Richer – Kiss Me

Another one that’s just all nice and cute and simple, and also some of my firs words of English. I’m approximately bilingual now, and the roots of that can be found in songs like this! I’d be singing along, not understanding a word I was singing, but usually getting a pretty good amount of the words right 🙂

5. Tal Bachman – She’s So High

I’m pretty sure a Belgian singer covered this one at one point, and that’s how I first got to know this song. If not, that just means there’s a Belgian singer out there who kind of looks quite a lot like this guy and I’ve been confusing the two for over a decade 🙂

And here’s an extra, that might have been right on the edge (2000), but definitely feels like 90s music to me!

So there you have it, that’s some of my favourite 90s songs to help and brighten your day – do you have any other favourites? Be sure to let me know below!
