Weekly Lists #37: Favourite Book-Tubers
Every Wednesday, I post a list of 5 random things – this week: 5 of my favourite book-tubers!
Recurring themes on this blog: my love for books, and my talent for procrastination through youtube – so what could be better than those two together?
1. Tilly And Her Books
First things first: this is basically the first book vlogger I ever “discovered” (because of Tumblr, because: duh) – her blog on Tumblr is amazing, her vlogs even more so!
What’s more, she’s an awesome person (from what contact with her I’ve had, and from the way I’ve seen her interact with other people) and she has great taste in books!
(Also, her shelves are goals)
2. WhyMermaids
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of “Top 5 Wednesdays” – it’s a group on GoodReads with awesome prompts for book-blogs and/or -vlogs – and this girl does them so perfectly – my TBR-list has grown exponentially because of the books she’s talked about (because it totally needed that) and, really, I just love all her vlogs – even the ones that aren’t (so much) book related!
3. BookDrunkInLove
Let’s just get this out of the way first – the hair colours! I love them so much – and the tattoos, and her style – seriously, I’d pretty much admire her for all of that alone. But, of course, then she goes and has great taste in books and basically got me converted on the whole New Adult-genre!
4. GraceWithABookInHerFace
I came for the Owlcrate Box videos, I stayed for all the books – ‘nuf said!
5. FairyNeverland
Fun fact: I actually happened across this book-tuber because I needed to do activities in French for college – I figured: “hey, I like youtube, there have got to be some french-speaking youtubers out there, right?” I came across this one, Justine, and almost a year later, I’m still watching all her videos – seriously, if you speak French: go watch her!
So there you have it, 5 of my favourite book-tubers – I’d seriously advise you to go and check them out, because your TBR-list totally needs it! (btw: I’d always like more book-tubers to watch, so if you have any tips, be sure to let me know below!)