Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly lists #28: Favourite Fluffy YA

Every Wednesday, I post a list of random stuff. This week: 5 of my favourite YA-books or -authors that excel in fluffiness!

Of course I wasn’t done yet with YA-literature – after all, there’s just so many lovely ones! In case you haven’t read my other “Favourite YA”-posts yet, here’s the “General YA” and the “YA that makes me cry” posts!

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1. Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door and Isla and the Happily Ever After, by Stephanie Perkins

I love myself a good, fluffy story, and these three give you exactly, with the added advantage of actually having a good plot, solid characters, and just enough reoccurring characters to keep you invested throughout the three books.
Plus: the covers are beautiful, and you can now actually buy them all in this gorgeous box set!


2. Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell

Although I’ve read all of the books by this author, the only YA-book that really, truly hit the right note with me was this one, mainly because, in so many ways, I am Cath – it’s a lovely book, nice and fluffy, really just a perfect read if you want something that’s going to leave you happy and smiling at the end of the book


3. Basically everything by Jennifer E. Smith

I’ve seriously loved everything I’ve read by her so far She has a way of creating these “ordinary lovestories”, only with characters that have a whole extra layer of depth to them, that very often seem more ‘real’ than many of the characters in more ‘purely-romantic’ stories – although I really like to read those too, the extra psychological factor is what sets these books apart for me – and I’d seriously recommend you to go read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, my absolute favourite of hers!


4. Fake Boyfriend, by Kate Brian

I’ve only ever really read this book in Dutch, but it just has so many things that I love – friends doing crazy things to help each other, cute boys, unexpected love interests, girls learning to stand up for themselves – I’ve reread it a bunch of times, and for me, that’s one of the highest forms of praise you can give any book, so, you know…


5. Drie Versies Van Mij (Three Versions of Me), by Wendy, Eefje & Joany Buenen

This book was written by triplets and tells the story of triplets – and the entire book centres around both their relationship with each other, and their growing relationships as they are apart from each other for the first time. It was written in Dutch originally, and usually, as far as YA is concerned, that just sort of seals the deal for me (though not in a good way) but I’m so happy I picked this one up in the library, because I seriously love this story – it’s just so cute!

So there you have it, 5 YA books (including one author) that I think excel in their fluffiness – in the best possible way. Are there any I have missed? Did you read any of those I mentioned? Do you agree with me, or do you think they’re horrible? Let me know below!
