Mini-Reviews #9: Making a Family for Christmas
Something about Christmas makes people want to reach out. However, not for everyone is family actually an option in that regard – which means it’s only too well that you can easily make…
About Books #101: The Dating Charade
You ever read a book that sounds like it’ll be fun and then it just hits you across the head with how right it is? That’s The Dating Charade. I was offered an…
About Books #100: Queerbaiting and Fandom
A definite advantage of having my sister as my sister: I’ve definitely become more socially aware because of her. One of the elements in which that was most the case? The representation and…
About Books#99: There’s Something About Darcy
Who’s the literary hero that might end you? For many people, me included, there’s quite a big chance the answer to that question would be Mr. Darcy. After all – the moodiness, the…
About Books #97:Starlight over Bluebell Castle
There’s something that’s really comforting about coming back to a series. About knowing the people, the surroundings. And of course: about getting to see what, exactly, happened to them after that last page,…
About Books #96: The Secret Cove in Croatia
It’s a dangerous thing to fall in love with an entire series. For starters, you’re always craving the next installation. And then of course: there’s too he risk involved. What if you don’t…
Reviewing the Classics #8: Isolde
It’s been a while, I feel, that I’ve reviewed anything but romance on this blog. And for a while, that was actually just about all I was reading. But every once in a…
About Books #92: Honeymoon for One
I’m a firm believer that clichés can be amazing – as long as they’re used right. Undoubtedly, Lila Rose, as a romcom-author, would agree with me. But what is the author to do,…