Book Tags #1: Burn, Rewrite, Reread Tag
Sometimes life co-operates and gives you a hint in the right direction when you’re drawing an absolute blank as for what you should post about.
This week, that was Melissa at In a Bookish World tagging me for the Burn, Rewrite, Reread book tag!
She didn’t pick any books for me (which would’ve made this so much easier), but did ask that I make the last round as difficult as possible – in other words: this should be interesting!
The Rules
- Randomly choose 3 books
- For each group, decide which book to burn, which one to rewrite, and which to reread. (A lot like Kiss, Marry, Kill)
- Repeat until you’ve completed three rounds (or more if you want)
I have my shelves divided by target audience (occupational hazard if I ever saw one) and picked 3 books from each of my favourite shelves – the last round will be the ‘winners’ from each shelve!
Round 1: classics
BURN: Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery
Literally the only reason I’m putting this one here, is because I know it by heart, and I would still have the rest of the series – if that’s cheating, then I guess that’s just tough luck…
REWRITE: Persuasion, Jane Austen
I guess I would maybe have them actually talk to each other? Or maybe just have them ignore her family, without whom none of the drama would’ve gone down to begin with!
(if you want to hear me complain about the family some more, read my review 🙂 )
REREAD: Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
I mean, this is probably the book that made me realise that classics could be fun – at age 8!
And I love Jo, and Meg, and Amy, and Beth so much, even if I’m still not over Beth dying (it’s been 14 years, I should’ve been able to give it a place by now, no?)
Round 2: YA
I mean, I couldn’t burn The Book Thief, okay – and Harry Potter, let alone the illustrated version, wasn’t even an option!REWRITE: The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
It made me cry on the train and it gave me all the feels and it’s amazing – but I can’t do anything to Harry Potter, and I do love it just that tad bit more than Fangirl…
REREAD: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K. Rowling
Is anybody surprised, really? I mean, it’s Harry Potter – it made my childhood!
(Now, if it were any of the last three, some discussion might be possible, but this one? Never!)
Round 3: Children’s Literature
BURN: Koning van Katoren, Jan Terlouw
Merely, purely and only because I read this one at a slightly older age than the others (like, 10 instead of 7) and as such I haven’t loved it for quite as long…REWRITE: Malory Towers, Enid BlytonI can’t even tell you how many times I read this one as a kid, but I guess the politically correct-side of me is going to have to make the decision here – my heart can’t bear it :p
REREAD: The Children of Noisy Village, Astrid Lindgren
Because, well, it’s Astrid Lindgren – she was my J.K. Rowling before J.K. Rowling was a thing in my life!
Round 4: Final Showdown
BURN: The Children of Noisy Village, Astrid Lindgren
I mean, I don’t know – I had to make some sort of a choice, didn’t I?
REWRITE: Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
Why am I even doing this? I don’t want to have to choose!
(but I guess maybe I could let Beth live?)
REREAD: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K. Rowling
I think.
I’m not really sure about anything anymore.
But, well, Harry Potter!
I know I completely did this to myself, but it is normal that I feel kind of guilty towards my books now?
Which ones would you have chosen? Be sure to let me know below, and do go check out Melissa’s blog as well (it’s pretty darn awesome!)!