Lifestyle,  Monthly Updates

Monthly Updates #10: April Food

And another week has come and passed us by!

Which means there’s only 5 weeks left until study week before exams…
Can I panic yet? 
So what have I been eating this past month? Read on to see! 🙂

1. Greek Salad

This past week specifically, we’ve had quite a few of great, warm days (and even though I’m definitely a winter person, even I loved having some sun!) and what’s better to eat on nice warm days than a greek salad?
Definite upside: this is so easy to make! Of course, there’s some variations, but if you start out by combining diced cucumber, diced tomatoes, some crumbled feta and some olive oil, you’re off to a great start already!

2. Spaghetti Bolognaise

I actually wrote a whole post about some of my favourite pastas (because everybody needs comfort food, right?) but in case you haven’t read that yet: I. Freakin’. Love. Pasta.
Like, seriously, if I had to choose just one food to eat for the rest of my life, I’m pretty sure I could happily live on pasta alone!
This week, I just really felt the need for something that would make me all warm and fuzzy inside – and spaghetti bolognaise was exactly what I needed for that!

(Tip: you can try the BBC-recipe, which is absolutely delicious, or, if you want it very, very simplified: buy some pre-chopped onion and garlic, stew them for a bit and add in your minced meat – as soon as it’s turned nice and brown, add in chopped tomatoes and some tomato puree, and you’re done – so easy, so delicious, and seriously probably one of my all time favourite things to eat!)

3. Reeses

I know I already talked about how much I love these in my Favourite Guilty-Pleasure Snacks-post, but during Easter break I went to Maastricht with a friend, and there’s this fantastic shop with all kinds of American candy there – suffice it to say: I came, I saw, and I spend all the moneys!

4. Indian food

Now here’s the thing: I love all types of Asian cuisine, and Indian food is probably on the top of that list! Any time I’m in the UK (so basically, at least once a year), I have got to go and eat Indian, just because it’s so good.
Although I’ve been in the same town for college for almost 5 years now, I’d never found an Indian restaurant that actually made the food the way I liked it – until this last week.
I really, really, didn’t want to cook and I had finally convinced the bf (who’s not that into spicy food or coriander) to have some – and I loved it!
They had this amazing green curry with lentils and their naan-bread was off the charts

And of course, now I want to try and make this recipe,
just to see if tastes as good as it sounds!

(And yes, I do realise I’m talking in purely superlatives right now, but it seriously was that good!)

5. Easter chocolate

Obviously – because Easter just happened and everything.
And is it bad that I’m kind of relieved it’s over, because at least all the chocolate isn’t constantly staring me in the face, tempting me to eat all of it – at once?
That being said though:

And that’s what I’ve been eating this past month – amongst many, many other things!
So here’s an actual question: Indian food: yes or no? I’m definitely on the yes-side, but after trying a bit of everything, the bf is even more firmly on the no-side (and obviously I’m right – right? 😉 )
Be sure to let me know below!
