About Books #19: William and Kate – The Love Story
So here’s a confession: I love anything royal-related. Call it a guilty pleasure, call it scientific interest… Either way, I found myself reading William and Kate – The Love Story. Nice and romantic, but with a historic perspective as well…
As per the usual, let’s go to Goodreads for the resume:
“He is the confident young prince who is the future of the royal family, while she is the royal bride and future Queen Consort who is thoroughly modern and confounds all stereotypes of how a royal partner should be. Their love story has captivated the world and now, after 8 years together, William and Kate have announced that they will marry next year.
Their amazing love affair is examined here, from their initial meeting at University in Scotland to planning their married life in North Wales while William pursues his RAF career. Packed with fascinating anecdotes, sharp analysis, and exclusive photographs, this book reveals the secrets of the young couple’s fairy-tale royal romance. Covering the relationship from when they first met to their wedding plans, this insightful biography also includes the complete guide to what the future holds for this new royal double act, as well as exclusive pictures.”
Now, as far as “insightful”, this one definitely offers quite a bit of insight into the thought-process of the writer. As for “new facts”? I don’t know. But that might just be me.
Now, I read this one in Dutch. So I have to admit that some of my problems with this might just have been due to translation. None the less, there were definitely some problems with the writing.
For one thing, no reader likes being treated as a 5 year old, and at times that is definitely what it felt like. One of many examples: the names of certain people are explained at least 4 times, entire passages are narrated several times and at times there’s even actual sentences that are literally (or just about) repeated on different occasions.
At the same time, the author seems to be quite personally involved in the story he’s telling. The amount of time he goes “I was personally there when…”. This could be forgiven – it’s partially what gives the book credibility. But then he adds in a lot of “maybe she thought about”, “maybe he felt like”… Basically: the kind of things that he has no way of knowing. It gives colour to the story, sure, but it also annoys me. So, well…
That’s for the negative – at the same time, there’s quite a bit to like as well. For starters the historical perspective and reflections that compare the story of William and Kate to various royals from the past, as well as some perspective on the British royal house as a whole.
Overall: 3/5
This is definitely a pleasant, quick read. If you’re interested in British royals and you care to read more about them, go ahead. But do be aware that it’s quite dated (published before the wedding, if I’m not mistaken) and you may be a bit annoyed at times… If that doesn’t scare you off? Go for it, you’ll be left feeling oddly hopeful about the future of British royalty when you’re done.
Be sure to let me know below if you’ve read this one and what you thought of it! If you got any books you think I’d like? Same thing!