
2018 Reading Updates: Start Up

It’s time for one of my favourite-yet-hated-at-a-later-point posts of every year! Let’s be real, I tend to be an overachiever in this post, and then live to regret it for 12 months to come. I’m trying to be more realistic this year, but – hey. Will that actually work? Of course not! But hey, at least I’m giving it a title that doesn’t imply I’m going to be killing it with all the challenges this year. This is my 2018 reading updates start up post!


First things first – my goal this year is to read.

Not necessarily get x number of books for this or that prompt, but just to read. To find books I enjoy, like really enjoy. To give myself permission to DNF books I don’t enjoy. Because, yes, that’s something I still need to remind myself is actually okay.

Oh, and to write as many reviews about it as possible!

Reading Challenges

But of course, I still want to get some Reading Challenges in. I mean, this is me – I love an impossible challenge, right?

As per the usual, I’m giving myself a Goodreads goal of 100 books. I’m fully aware that I ended up reading more books, next year. But I always give myself some room to not de-motivate myself before the year’s even started. Because, yes, getting started with 150 is basically setting myself up for disaster!

Next up is, also per the usual, the Modern Mrs Darcy book challenge.

This is one of those challenges that always makes me feel good. Not necessarily because I get all of the prompts done. But just, because it gives me inspiration for books I might want to read. Even if I never get round to actually reading them!

Another recurring guest in these series: the PopSugar Reading Challenge.

Now I have to admit – I’m a little intimidated by this one. I mean, did you see how long it is? That’s just not quite normal anymore. None the less, try it I will!

Oh, and of course, I’m also doing the Read Around the World thing again – not quite a challenge, but I do like to see where my books take me!

If you should be interested: I keep track of what books I read not only via Goodreads, but also through the spreadsheet that Carina from It’s All About Books makes available every year. This is the third year I’ll be using her spreadsheet, and I really love the options this spreadsheet offers me – honest recommendation: go check it out!

That’s about all I have for this post, although I do want to mention that as I do ever year, I’ll have a page availabe with an overview of all the prompts, all the books I read in response to them and links to all the updates. If you want to see how I’m doing, you can check that out at any point!

What challenges have you said yourself for this year? Be sure to let me know below!


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