Spring 2019 TBR
Spring is such a weird reading season for me. Where autumn and winter are usually overly busy, I still usually manage to read quite a lot during those months. Spring, on the other…
#TBT: Favourite Disney Series
Fun fact for you: we never had Disney Channel until I was old enough that I probably shouldn’t really have been watching it, still. I did – but that’s a matter for another day.…
Weekly Lists #170: Best of my TBR
You know how, sometimes, you’re scared to start reading a book? Because, you know… It might disappoint you? Or even worse: it might be distinctly average, and you’re just left cold by something…
40 Days of Blogging
I would’ve posted this Wednesday but, you know… I do have a tradition of weekly lists on Wednesday. 170 weekly lists, to be exact. Anyways, this is just a bit of a notification.…
2019 Reading Updates – February Update
So I spent this entire month thinking I’d not really read that much. And then it turns out that, somehow, I got through 19 books. I’m not entirely sure how it happened either,…