2019 Reading Updates – July Update
July was, without a doubt, one of the weirder reading months I’ve had in a while. The entire first half of the month saw me stuck in something of a slump. I mean…
Weekly Lists #192: Fictional Date Locations
I know this is basically blasphemy, probably. But, none the less – here I go: I’m not really a big fan of going on dates. I know you should and yadayadayada. Anyways. I…
About Books #91: Sunshine over Bluebell Castle
If there’s one thing that Sarah Bennett always does right, it’s transporting you right into England creating a beautiful atmosphere, and making sparks fly. The best thing? She does all of those things…
Series in Review #13: The Note
Sometimes, I feel as if half of the things that live in the book world, tend to completely pass me by. Apparently, that’s also what happened with The Note. So when I came…
About Books #90: The Ingredients for Happiness
I love cooking, I love reading, I love romance, and I loved How to Bake a New Beginning. Put all those things together in the delicious sequel that is The Ingredients for Happiness?…