2019 Reading Updates – July Update
July was, without a doubt, one of the weirder reading months I’ve had in a while. The entire first half of the month saw me stuck in something of a slump. I mean we’re talking up to the point that I was honestly considering there wouldn’t be a 2019 Reading Updates – July update. And then that last week happened…
What I read
- As Luck Would Have It, Zoe May (review)
- The Love Solution, Ashley Croft
- Two Like Me and You, Chad Alan Gibbs
- Love and Other Mistakes, Jessica Kale (review)
- The Ingredients for Happiness, Lucy Knott (review)
- Spring Skies over Bluebell Castle, Sarah Bennett
- Sunshine over Bluebell Castle, Sarah Bennett (review)
- Honeymoon for One, Frankie Collins
Which basically means I kinda went with almost a book per day, for a while. Oops?
What I thought
That I loved all of it, apparently. My average rating for the books I read in July was 3.9. That’s higher than it’s been this past year!
And that I’ve apparently had a pretty good month on Netgalley as well, because the majority of those books were ARCs. Usually those are a bit of a hit and miss with those. For me, at least. This month, however? This month I finally seem to have made some pretty darn great requests!
And finally – that, when in a reading slump? Romance truly is the way to get myself out of that. Every single book I read this month was romance, after all!
What have you been reading in July? Any books you think I might enjoy? And what do you do when you’re in a reading slump? Be sure to let me know below!