
2018 Reading Updates: March Update

Happy Easter everybody! As per the usual, with Easter comes the end of March, and Easter break. And quite frankly? I’m not sure which one of those I’m more happy about. So here’s to getting a break from work, getting out of the longest month ever and of course: to the 2018 reading updates March edition!

What I read

  1. Summer at the Dog & Duck, Jill Steeples
  2. Wedding Bells at the Dog & Duck, Jill Steeples
  3. Business Benchmark – Advanced, Guy Brooks-Hart
  4. Getting To Yes – Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Roger Fisher
  5. The Little Wedding Island, Jaimie Admans
  6. Business Benchmark – Upper Intermediate, Guy Brooks-Hart
  7. De Tragedie van Swerthout-Wittebeek, Karolien Joossens
  8. A Vicarage Reunion, Kate Hewitt
  9. Thematische woordenschat Frans
  10. 143 Visuals to Inspire You To Take Action, Scott Torrance
  11. 5 Secrets of Story Structure: How to Write a Novel That Stands Out, K.M. Weiland
  12. Marketing Communications as a Strategic Function
  13. Voor het Zeggen, Marlies van Bouwsel
  14. Greek Mythology: a Concise Guide to Ancient Gods
  15. Fast Friends, Jill Mansell

It’s a weird kind of list – certainly one of the more diverse reading months I’ve had in a good little while. There’s some chicklit, some historical fiction, some political fiction, some books for school, some non-fiction on a variety of subjects… And while I did love some of these? March just didn’t really feel like that good a reading month.

What I thought

I mentioned this above as well, but March felt like, quite possibly, the longest month ever. I mean, when I realised I read the Dog & Duck-series largely in March? It felt like that was months ago, not just the beginning of this month!

Now, I did read what might just become my favourite book of the entire month this year. De Tragedie van Swerthout-Wittebeek shows the last weeks of WW2 in Belgium. Especially, it discusses two small villages that were hit hard by those last weeks. The resistance killed the son of a know family of collaborators. In exchange, the mother of that family demanded the bodies of at least a hundred men. Suffice it to say: she got what she asked for. The male population of those villages was all but exterminated. The book is based on true facts, and I actually got to present the official presentation of it earlier this month. It was pretty darn amazing, especially because the event took place in the very church that is part of the book!

That was about the highlight of my reading month though. Where I started out in January with an average rating of 4.4 stars out of 5, in February that was only 3.4 and now, for March, I’ve gone down to 3.2. Sure, there’s a couple of books in there that I had to read for school (or just: related to school) but still. A lot of disappointing reads, this month. Here’s to hoping April will be better!

What have you been reading this month? Any highlights that you would recommend? I really need some books that I *know* I will love, so be sure to let me know below!


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