Books,  Christmas,  Holidays

2021 Christmas TBR

This is the point of the Christmas season where I basically torture myself. Because – you know… As I mentioned in yesterday’s post as well? December is basically one of the busiest months of the year… And historically emphatically not a great reading month for me. Nonetheless – I have goals. Unachievable they may be, but still: here’s my 2021 Christmas TBR!

The ARCs

That’s right – I got myself into a bit of a situation. Again. Which basically means I have a shitton of books to read, and nowhere enough time to read them. In theory. We’ll see what I can get done, right?

  • Humbug (Amanda Radley)
  • The Twelve Wishes of Christmas (Ruby Basu)
  • The Christmas Proposal (Lisa Moreau)
  • Mistletoe at the Manor (Teresa F Mrgan)
  • The Perfect Christmas Gift (Katie Ginger)
  • The Post Box at the North Pole (Jaimie Admans)
  • Christmas in Evergreen: Bells are Ringing (Lacey Baker)
  • Half-Baked Holidays (Kat Bastion)

The want to reads

Also known as: hi, I’m a 28 year old who really craves the comfort of children’s classics the moment it starts getting dark early.

  • All things Astrid Lindgren
  • Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
  • Little Women (that one scene at the start! the scene when Beth is healthy again!)
  • The Nutcracker
  • The Little Match Girl

Honestly, in order to get my reading goal for this year, I’m going to have to read like a book a day anyways, so odds are I’m going to be trying to actually finish all of these before Christmas comes around. Let’s see how that turns out for me, shall we? 😀

What are you going to be reading this Christmas season? Have you ever read any of the ones I mentioned above? If so, be sure to let me know below what you thought!


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