Christmas,  Holidays

2021 Christmas bucket list

Every single year, I do this to myself: I have huge ambitions to be all Christmas-sy, and somehow I manage to forget that, oh yeah… Right… December is basically the busiest month when it comes to work, birthdays, and all that fun stuff. Nonetheless: here we go again.

Are you in desperate need of more Christmas- and Holiday content? Then be sure to check out the rest of this and previous years’ blogmas!

I figured this year I’d at least do an attempt at making my bucket list possible, feasible, and all other SMART-principles, so I went thematic. Specifically: things to consume, things to enjoy, things that are related to food and things to produce.

Also known as: things I can watch and read (more on that in my TBR and TBS in the two coming days). Things I need to focus on – which include: not working, not stressing, and not forgetting the holidays are largely about the people you spent them with. Also included: food – because: reasons. And of course, the most cosy of activities: puzzles, board games and evening walks.

What’s on your bucket list, this holiday season?
