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Monthly Updates #8: April Readings

Aaaand April’s started… Which means it’s also time to see what I’ve been reading this past month!

To put it simply – mainly school stuff. After all, Easter holiday means two things: exams are near, and before I can even get started on those, I need to have my thesis done!

Regardless, some reading was done – more on that in my Reading Challenges Update which will be up on Monday – and here are some highlights!

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1. I Am the Messenger, Markus Zusak

This is probably my favourite of all the books I’ve read, this far, and that’s saying something!
I know this one has been out for quite a while, but I’d never really gotten around to reading it – which I now, obviously, feel kind of stupid for – it’s just that good!

2. More French Literature

Because, of course, school isn’t letting up on me… But hey, at least it’s actually quite interesting!
As I mentioned in last week’s monthly update, I’ve even been watching some French lit (in quite the interesting adaptations!) and I have to admit that I love classic French literature more than I ever anticipated!
Molière is so entertaining; Racine writes in a way that might be called stuck-up, but is actually quite easy to read; and I apparently love Corneille’s writing?

Talk about things I never would’ve seen happening

3. Cathy Kelly

Now, this is actually the reason for the upcoming weekly list (so be sure to check that one out on Wednesday!) but one of the few adult authors I always find myself coming back to, is Cathy Kelly. She writes the most sincere chicklit I’ve ever come across, and she actually makes me want to re-read her books, which usually is not at all the case with chicklit, for me!
This month, I re-read (for about the gazillion-th time) Just Between Us, and let me just tell you: all the feels – every single time again!

4. All the papers

I know I’m basically complaining about this every single post by now, but I have so much work for school! So much! And I know I basically did it to myself, because I took on all those extra courses, but still…

So much!

Basically, I’ve found my reading time limited a ridiculous amount, just because I’m trying to decipher German and Swedish papers (I don’t know any German!? Or Swedish!) that I need for my masters’ thesis.

(I could’ve just gone for an easy subject, but nooooo, I had to go and put the comparative element in there!)

So, I’ve been reading papers. A lot of them.


5. All the manuals

Well, actually, not all the manuals – that’s the one good thing about this term: I only have one actual manual. And I only have to know-know 2 chapters of it.
Still, it’s French, it’s a lot, and it takes a lot of time to get it all read, highlighted and put into bullet points.

I guess it’s pretty clear that my reading has been awfully school-related these days, but at least I’m getting somewhere for my GoodReads Reading Challenge! I did actually get more books read than just the one Cathy Kelly-one and I Am The Messenger, but I guess you’ll just have to read my March-update on all of my Reading Challenges for that (that’s being posted this Tuesday, by the way, in case you’re interested 🙂 )

What have you been reading this past month? Be sure to let me know below!


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