Weekly Lists #17: Books I’m Most Looking Forward To: 2016
Every Wednesday, I post a list of random stuff. This week: 5 of the books I’m most looking forward to reading in 2016!
Now, could I probably give you a list of way more than just a mere 5 books? Absolutely and definitely – but I won’t, because even I, even when books are concerned, have to learn to limit myself – no matter how hard it may seem…
So let’s get started!
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1. The Last Beginning, Lauren James
This is the sequel to The Next Together, which was one of my favourite reads of 2015, and is set to be published in November 2016. And not only am I really excited about the idea of a sequel to the greatness that is/was The Last Beginning, it’s supposed to have an LGBT-protagonist (according to GoodReads), and I’m really excited (and hoping the best) for that!
2. The Ballroom
, Anna Hope
I literally know nothing about this book except for what I found (by chance) online: it takes place in the 1910’s, it features two inmates of a Pauper Asylum who encounter each other when a new doctor with rather ‘radical ideas” decides that the female and male inmates should get together once a week to dance in the ballroom ànd that it offers a “shocking look at the treatment of the mentally ill only a hundred years ago.” (stylist) – I don’t know about you, but that sounds amazing to me! Also, this one will be available just before Valentine’s Day, so now I know what to get myself! (I’m not even kidding, Valentine’s Day = books, just like every other holiday!)
3. Eligible
, Curtis Sittenfield
Although I didn’t particularly like her book Prep – mainly because I read it first in a Dutch translation, hated it, and didn’t realise I was reading the same book until I came to a particular toe-curling-shame-for-the-other-person-inducing scene – I am always fond of a Pride and Prejudice retelling, especially one that’s taken out of pre-Victorian England and put into a modern day setting! Also, Darcy is a surgeon and Lizzie a journalist – for some reason, it just fits – now I’ll just have to wait until April 2016, when this book is set to be published!
4. A Study in Charlotte
, Brittany Cavallaro
Not even going to lie, this one is on here for no other reason than I like detectives and I love retellings – and this one sounds like it’s going to be pretty great on both accounts! Also: female Sherlock who kicks butt, what more could I ask for? (Apart from it being published before March 2016, that is…)
5. The Love That Split the World
, Emily Henry
Only a couple more weeks until this one comes out on the 26th of January! This has magic, coming-of-age, and romance… And it’s a debut novel, which means that it has the potential of many more great-sounding-stories coming along!
These 5, for me, really stood out the most though – and there’s a nice variety in there, and they can help me reach my Good Reads goal! Just like last year, I started with “only” 100 books TBR this year, but knowing myself I’m hoping to be able to change that to something more like 150 once summer comes around….
What about you? What books are you most looking forward to in 2016? Have you set yourself any goals, genre-wise, number-wise, author-wise? Be sure to let me know below, as well as any other great reads coming out this year!!