Favorite Christmas Quotes
So this might sound like such a random thing – quotes? Sure, there are some for Christmas. But to write an entire post about it? But here’s the thing: Christmas is like the period for citations. People say the best things around Christmas, and it’s just too good a chance to pass up on. And, you know – what with all the Christmas books I read… I was bound to have at least some Christmas quotes!
Clement Clarke Moore
Let me be honest with you – I’ve never actually read the book/story this quote comes from. I have, however, heard this quote about a gazillion times. If that’s not a great sign for a good Christmas quote, I don’t know what is!
Okay, don’t shoot me but… Again: I’ve never actually seen th emovie. I have, however, had this exact quote on a printable in my living room this and the last Christmas. And I’ll get to watching Elf eventually – I promise!
Charles Dickens
I had to have some Dickens in this list, how could I not? Plus, I kinda like the idea about keeping Christmas alive throughout the year. Even if just until February 🙂
Dr. Seuss
And yet another one for the “I have not actually read this”-squad. Oops? But hey, again: I’ll get to it, right?
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I mean, I just hear Bing Crosby singing this, you know? Also – probably the best message of all the quotes included here, right?
Now, of course – there’s numerous other Christmas quotes. And just about everybody has their own, personal favourites. So here’s my question: what’s your absolute favourite Christmas quote? Be sure to let me know bellow!
(Oh, and if you want to read more of my blog-mas posts? Be sure to check out the tag!)