Book Tags #2: Harry Potter Spells Tag
I first came across this book tag on BecomingBookish’s blog, who states that apparently the tag was created by TurtleSympathy on Youtube, but unfortunately that video seems to have disappeared. Luckily, there are still a ton of videos and posts with this tag, so let’s give this a go!
Basically, there’s a list of spells from JK Rowling’s Harry Potter, each of which has been assigned a ‘question’ that you’re supposed to respond to with a book – so let’s get going!
1. Expecto Patronum
A childhood book connected to good memories
Now, this could basically be any book by Astrid Lindgren, by Enid Blyton or the entire Harry Potter- or Narnia-series – but the first book I can remember giving me comfort is this one: Pippi Longstocking. I have loved these stories since forever, I still love the tv-series, and there’s just something about these stories that makes me think of Christmas and cosiness and just all things good.
2. Expelliarmus
A book that took you by surprise
My sister told me to read this one during my January exams in 2015 and I honestly didn’t expect to like it. Then again, I was supposed to be studying so anything would’ve been interesting at that point, thus I figured I might as wel give it a go. 3 hours later I was in love with this entire book and I wanted to start rereading it – like yesterday. And that took me by surprise!
3. Priori Incantato
The last book you read
Well, that is: at the time I’m writing this, that’s the last book I read – by the time this goes online (which might be either next week or in a month, because I’m trying to do the whole ‘working ahead’ thing) After You might be 6 books ago or might still be the story I most recently managed to get through. Who knows though :p
4. Alohomora
A book that introduced you to a genre you had not considered before
I mentioned this book in a recent post about some of my favourite Tween-Series, but as far as I can remember, this was basically the book that first got me into sci-fi-ish stories. I don’t know to what extent this one actually does count as an actual sci-fi book, but for me it was definitely part of what first got me into that genre!
5. Riddikulus
A funny book you’ve read
This is another book my sister told me to read and boy was she ever right that I would love it! I found myself laughing out loud constantly, I loved the sarcastic tone of the story and the dry humour that was present in almost every aspect of it – the fact that that was partly the consequence of the biblical setting it (sort of) took as a starting point just made the ingeniousness of the book that much more apparent to me – I loved it!
6. Sonorus
A book you think everybody should know about
I could probably have gone on for way longer, so these four books are just some of the examples of books I feel like everybody should have to read – if only because they tell such an amazing story and show such a different point of view from most books you get to read!
7. Obliviate
A book or spoiler you would like to forget having read
I had to read this one for school (yes, really) last spring term and I sincerly wish I could just erase the entire thing from my brain. There, I said it.
8. Imperio
A book you had to read for school
I actually talked about this in my first ever real Weekly List, but I have a whole bunch of set reading that basically just sort of was ruined for me because I had to read them – this is only one of the examples!
9. Crucio
A book that was painful to read
Like, literally this entire series just bugged me so much – I was loved the concept, but the writing was so in-your-face-overly-religious that it just bugged me. It took away from the rest of the story, it made the writing seem so halted and it altogether ruined the experience of reading this series for me – it actually made me give up on a book, which is something I usually never do. Like ever.
10. Avada Kedavra
A book that could kill (interpret as you will)
Let’s be real – I cried while reading all of these – and if you’ve read any of them, I’m pretty sure you’ll understand why!
(You can find my review of Speak here!)
So there you have it! If you haven’t done this tag yet, feel free to do it as well, and post the link down below – I would love to see what your responses are!