30 Books I’d Keep If I Were Marie Kondo
So apparently I like to torture myself, because apart from 40 Days of Blogging ànd the O.W.L.’s Magical Readathon, I’ve decided to also participate in Bookending Spring 2019. Because, you know… I needed more of a challenge for myself, right? In total, you’re aiming at least 3 prompts executed – and I figured I might as well start right away, starting with today’s challenge by AJ @ For the Love of Diversity, hosted by Sam @ Fictionally Sam. So here’s 30 books I’d keep if I were Marie Kondo!
In general, I’ve taken this prompt to mean: the books that spark more joy than any others I have. And, honestly? That’s not an easy feat. After all, I’m reading almost always, so to get rid of that many books in one go? Well, I knew I’d have to be methodological about it. So I gave myself 5 categories, and 6 books per category. I’m not allowed to go over that per category. And let me tell you: it was rough.
Non-Fiction books
Sophie’s World – Jostein Gaarner
This was my first real introduction into the world of philosophy, even before I had to take a course on the subject at uni. Even just because of that, I’d want to keep it, but I also just really like the way all the information is transmitted in, so… You know…
A World By Itself: History of the British Isles – J.C.D. Clark
Because history. And the British Isles. Maybe my favourite ever combination.
The Penguin Book of Lies – Philip Kerr
This is one of those books that’s just crazy enough in it’s concept, that it kind of stays fun to (re)read. Which I probably would have to, if I could only keep 30 books!
The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legends – Alan Lupack
If I like history, I love the way it interacts with literature and mythology. Also, as I said before: the British Isles. Sometimes, that’s all I really need 🙂
Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari
Because science, and antrhopology, and all that good stuff. Also, this one is really long, so it’d give me a lot to read for a while.
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland – Diana Wynne Jones
There’s a distinct theme to this entire post, and it’s basically: books I can read again and again and again. And because I really like a certain type of fantasy, this seems to me just the type of non-fictional but inspired by fictional-kind-of book that I would enjoy going through again and again.
Persuasion; Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
This is the point in time where I really regret not owning one collection with all of Jane Austen’s work in it. It would’ve opened up at least two different spots for other classics. And even then, I had to choose just my absolute favourite Jane Austens.
Little Women – Louisa May Alcott
I did my bachelor’s thesis on this one, and also: this was one of the first books that made me realise that reading classics could actually be fun. So of course I’d have to keep it!
The Railway Children – E. Nesbit
I’ll just send you straight to my review of this book – that really should say it all 🙂
Peter Pan – J.M. Barie
The 2003 movie is the first movie (maybe the second) I remember watching in the cinema – it’s certainly the first one that had me crying in the cinema. Also, I just really like the entire concept and the world Barrie created in this book.
Children’s literature
Can I just go ahead and tell you that this category was by far the most difficult one to choose from? I mean, these are the books that made me!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – J.K. Rowling
Look, if I just have these two, I can imagine everything that happened inbetween, okay?
Pippi Longstocking; Ronia the Robber’s Daughter – Astrid Lindgren
Because Pippi Longstocking always makes me smile, and because Ronia always makes me feel better and more calm.
The Crown of Dalemark – Diana Wynne Jones
It’s the last one in the series, but it’s also the first one I actually read. And it brings all the characters from the entire series. And it’s my favourite. I mean, I don’t know. I’m going to regret this no matter what I do, aren’t I?
Malory Towers-collection, Enid Blyton
Haha! I get to keep 6 books because I choose one book! (It’s not cheating, they’re technically one book, right?)
Weirdly, I thought I would have more trouble with this category than I actually did. I’m not sure what exactly that means, but there you have it nonetheless…
The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky
This is one of those books that I had an instant coup de foudre with. So much so, that I kept recommending it to people, kept lending my copy, and have now had to re-purchase the book 3 times. Because people just won’t give it back.
Speak – Laurie Halse Anderson
Again, just read my review, that should make just about everything clear.
Fangirl – Rainbow Rowell
The first book that really validated me in my fangirl-ness. Also, just a cute story that I’ve reread a couple of times already, so most likely, I’ll be able to do so at least a couple more times.
The Book Thief – Markus Zusak
I mean, I might feel in need of a good cry, right?
I’ll Give You The Sun – Jandy Nelson
Sure, I only really read this one this year. But I also absolutely fell in love with it and it made me cry on three separate occasions, so, you know… That’s gotta mean something, right?
The Night Circus – Erin Morgenstern
I just realised that, although I classed it as YA on my shelves, I’m not technically sure it actually is… But, you know, I guess we’ll just go with my shelves-classification-system?
Adult literature
The Time Traveler’s Wife – Audrey Niffenegger
This is the kind of book that I read once and immediately classed as “re-re-re-re-re-re-re-read” on Goodreads. ‘nuf said
Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro
This is probably my all-time-favourite distopyan book. And, you know… A world where I’m only allowed 30 books? Already sounds pretty distopyan to me!
84, Charing Cross Road – Helene Hanff
A book about the love for books? Count me in! (review)
Good Omens – Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Because the level of intricacy that’s involved in the intertextuality of this book is just amazing – and if you’re trying to figure out what I actually mean by that: just go check out my review!
Persuading Annie – Melissa Nathan
Now, if you thought this was just going to be a collection of serious literature, you were wrong. This is a modern day retelling of my favourite Jane Austen, and as such, I’d be more than happy to read it again and again and again. So keeping it, I am!
The Once and Future King TH.H. White
Once, this one is very long. Two, I’ve already read the Dutch translation and I really want to make my way through the original. Three… Well, British Isles and legends. What more do you need from me? 🙂
And there you have it! That’s the 30 books I would keep if I were Marie Kondo – or at least, if I were to Marie Kondo my books. What books would you “save”, if you could? Be sure to let me know below!